eienaar van mans
the way people feel so passionate about that i wouldn't be surprised if it caused real trauma to some people.
i started to kind of feel that way when they did the fake-out barrett death in FF7.
There is no doubt that Joel death at the hands of Abby caused real actual trauma to white men in america, because they all saw themselves as Joel, some down trodden white man who is the single force keeping society together with nothing but his grit and determination and ability to do "what's right", and then this bull dyke lesbian looking chick who is a representation of everything they hate about women comes in and bludgeons joel to death, and then they are forced to actual play as Abby and then have to try to learn and understand her point of view, after she just killed their video game father.
If you google "playing as abby in last of us 2" will come across some WILD shyt