Breh posted this like it was really some hot take that hasn't been said before
The story was the worst part of the game. I actually felt the gameplay was good this time around. The first game, I liked the story but thought the gameplay needed work.
Making Ellie go from a precocious, curious and jovial 14 year old to a cynical, evil, selfish 19 year old was a horrible writing choice without letting us know how and why
For example; we all knew how Clementine made a similar change in between games--she joined a gang out of survival and it got rough. Ellie was sheltered in a fully operational post apocalyptical city
Ellie was mad that Joel didn't let her die...though the entire first game was about her wanting to be accepted by Joe, not just some job for him to complete and move on. This is a goofy retcon simply to add shallow "emotional depth."
“Then we come to that ending and that lie and that okay and what does that okay mean? It’s definitely not a complacent ‘yea I’ll go along with you’, in fact, it’s the opposite. It’s Ellie waking up for the first time, waking up and realizing she can’t rely on him anymore. While she loves him for what he’s done for her, she hates him for robbing her of that choice. She knows that she has to leave him and make her own decisions and mistakes.”
He wasn't retconned as an evil mass killer, but even in the first game, it's heavily implied that Joel has done some fukked up shyt in his past. Hell, as a playable character we do fukked up shyt with him.
In the first game Tommy said he has nightmares from the time where Joel took care of him. Ellie asked if he killed a bunch of innocent people and he didn't say no.
I agree
gameplay is what kept me going.
my main issue is you can tell how hard they were trying to make it dramatic. I have the same problem with those Oscar films that try to hard as well.
I didn’t mind they killed Joel it’s the execution I would have thought that’d be saved for like the third game. Plus the way Joel was super alert about who to trust and etc in the first game seemed to just been thrown out the window in the sequel
Retconned my ass. Joel pretty much ended a whole movement. Killed innocent people. This ain’t Steve Urkel shyt where he would crash a car in Carl living room one episode. Then all is forgotten the next episode. That’s a issue I’m not rolling with when it comes to the story. Joel had to die or Ellie
He wasn't retconned as an evil mass killer, but even in the first game, it's heavily implied that Joel has done some fukked up shyt in his past. Hell, as a playable character we do fukked up shyt with him.
My problem is the self-righteousness like; before this game came out, a good portion of the gaming community was on Joel side for fukking up the Fireflies to save Ellie.
not bad points, except from the bolded…no disrespect to you, but I don’t know why people struggle to comprehend why Ellie is a completely different person in this game compared to the first..
Even in the first game she’s cold and distant months after a phycopath tries to rape and eat her, in this game she’s found out her father figure has lied to her time and time again about something she knows he’s lying about, then watched him get beat to death before she got a chance to reconcile, there’s literally nothing wrong with the writing here, it definitely didn’t need to be explained either lol, it would be weird if she WAS the same Ellie from the first game….y’all wanted her to be pulling out the joke book in Seattle? Lol
1, I'm referencing specifically her anger about Joel saving her. The way it's expressed is that she has some type of death-wish/suicidal when she was pretty much at peace with the immunity years prior.
And in between the first and second game she was on a fully functional & protected compound and they already had her acting distant--and the world still being super homophobic in damn near 2040 is a plot point issue I have in media and I'll save that for another thread (in short, I'm tired of cyncial writing).
Clementine, for example, was on the run 24/7 until she joined a dangerous, crooked gang. I understand why she got so hard core in between the 2nd and 3rd game.
I don't expect Ellie to be a little kid, anymore. But, she had plenty of character development in the first game and she wasn't this (her charcater in the 2nd game.)
I lot of casual gamers who didn't remember the first game came away not liking Ellie.
This is one of the problems with killing Joel so early and having Ellie written so narrow. If she is gonna go horrible shyt, just make her the bad guy. Stop with the; Ellie does dumb, horrible shyt...but, understand her.
Even in the first game she’s cold and distant months after a phycopath tries to rape and eat her, in this game she’s found out her father figure has lied to her time and time again about something she knows he’s lying about, then watched him get beat to death before she got a chance to reconcile, there’s literally nothing wrong with the writing here, it definitely didn’t need to be explained either lol, it would be weird if she WAS the same Ellie from the first game….y’all wanted her to be pulling out the joke book in Seattle? Lol
And I was gonna get into her being so fukked up, PTSD wise, AFTER Abbie spared her and Dina, that she had to go after Abbie AGAINMONTHS later...because she misses Joel so much...but, she hates him so much.
That wasn't complexed, emotional writing, it was bad writing.
Hell, it would've made more sense for her going to the base to actually save her. Than;
Travel to kill her
Kill scores of people to get to her
Catch her Dead-To-Rights...but save her
Threaten to kill her friend SO YOU CAN SHOOT A FAIR ONE TO DEATH
Ellie emotionals were all over the place. And the ending was supposed to be deep.
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