This is the most unbelievable thing I've read in this whole thread.
Now, I don't partake in soliciting prostitutes. But, I am aware of how that world works. Like many others have discussed before me in this thread, many women that advertise their services on popular websites such as backpage aren't selling their services at that rate unless they are "top of the line" or "known" on a level that many high class strippers and adult film stars can obtain. And usually that starts around $500 an hour. Best believe the men that are paying that price are getting more than just the opportunity to be in the same room with a woman and have conversation. What I'm trying to say is, you ain't paying that price unless you fukking and even then most escorts are in the $150-$400 range on BP (before it got 86'd).
I used to work in the financial district, there would be old white men paying $500+ for escorts to have their way with, but there were your stereotypical blonde white women that look like playboy centerfolds that I personally find boring. And you best believe they let them hit. So for me to think that a black woman, from Ghana, who moved to the New York City area from Toronto is getting paid $1000 by old white men to lick floors and not even touch them let alone kiss them on the cheek...I would have to be braindead. No racist, but very few black escorts are getting paid that much. And if they are, they on IG with "booking info" and over 20,000 followers.