A good education is expensive and requires resources. It’s not hard to correlate the results with means of finances.
Money wont motivate your kids to want to learn. Some kids are self motivated in that department. But their are far more who are completely unmotivated. There needs to be consequences and reprocussions when kids arent doing what they are supposed to. And that can really only come from parents actively following their kids education like they do Kanyes twitter account
Most parents just wait until the report card comes which isnt good enough,by then its too late. But most parents only have the expectation you graduate HS,maybe go to college.Unless they went to college,then the standard and floor becomes going to college.
So while I blame parents,its difficult to blame the ignorant. Some of us only know our experience and how are parents handled us. I have no problem directing my daughter to people I know are smarter than me. Sometimes you have to just tell your kids that you are stupid,but they wont be. Its the information age,where information is in the palm of your hand 24/7 when used wisely.