Chris Rock. Aint funny. Gotta go
Chappelle stopped being funny to me after high school
Killin Them Softly > Anything Chris Rock put out. Comedians who could make people laugh while being so chill are better than spazzy comics. Only spazzed out comic I can kinda fukk with is Kat but that's literally one stand up show.
Can't believe yall got Rock leading right now, I think Rock is the best stand up of all time, his specials are like an event. Chris Rock probably has too much substance in his ish for the typical youngin, his topics are geared more towards the 21 and up, really the 25 and up, for the most part. Dude is the black Carlin, he passed Carlin a decade or so ago to me. Chappelle is fukkin hilarious, not just his show but he is incredible on stage too (when he's focused), but I got Rock edging him out by kinda a lot on stage. And Pryor and Eddie can't go
Richard Pryor is Run DMC
Eddie, Chapelle and Rock are Nas Biggie and 2pac.
so Pryor gotta go.
Richard Pryor is the prototyple and my older brother gave 'That N1gger is Crazy' when he left for the military. He was one of the most brilliant and complex comedians of all time and even though he had some c00nish and weird tendencies, I'm giving him a pass because he had a hard ass life and he was a revelation until the day he died. He was an electric force in standup and in movies, and his short lived TV show was groundbreaking. He opened the door for comedians period and will forever be on that Pantheon.
Chris Rock is the modern day Lennie Bruce, he's had the most impactful performances on stage since Pryor. I actually don't think he gets enough credit. Dude's been in the game 25+ years and you could argue he's in his prime now. He's plugged away at making and starring in movies and has now finally cracked his own code. All of his movies are basically cult classics at worst. I've never seen a guy that has been in almost total control of career. He had a successful HBO show that he walked away just because, he's been offered late night gigs rarely offered to Black comedians and none of his movies cowtowed to c00nery or buffoonery but were sharp, witty observations from the perspective of a Black man. If I have one criticism, he has a rather acidic view of Black women.
I thought Dave Chapelle was the next Pryor, in part when I saw him Robin Hood:MIT and a couple of year later when he was featured on one of Rodney Dangerfield's young comedy stars, and I saw him when I was in college, he was performing in a club in Trenton. I thought he was a real sharp dude for a guy that was barely 20. He always had a certain It factor. He already had a comedy classic in Half Baked and that was by the time he was 25. I think the Chapelle is best sketch comedy show of all time, we quote his bast sketches over a decade later and will continue to do so. Granted the fame frazzled him a bit, but he never compromised himself and left. I don't know if he'll make a comeback, But he was a comedy explosion.
You know what I love Eddie Murphy, and I grew up on Raw and Delirious, in his prime he was maybe the 3rd or 4th most famous Black man on Earth. He single hndedly saved the clusterfukk that was SNL, by being hip and modern (for the time) and his ability to tell jokes, sing, and be physical was reminiscent of some of the greatest acts of all time, but he also had one of the biggest fall offs too and he lost me as a fan when he did Norbit. He has never been able to really redeem himself from that either. Eddie, I love you man but you have to go.![]()
Never really liked his stand upDave gotta go. I'd miss his show more than his stand-up.