On a serious note, who's been divorced or going through one right now?

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
Then why you so quick to tell OP to give up on his marriage? :dahell:

@Blaxican707 some of these cats on here know from experience, but don't listen to most of these blockheads. Before you call it quits, see if you can find out for sure if she stepped out. If she didn't, go from there to TRY and work things out.

She wildin' though...be prepared for the worst.

nikka, it's OBVIOUS that she is cheating. he is just trying to justify staying because he wants to stay to raise his kids. which that's understandable. but she IS cheating. now whether he wants to accept it and stay or accept it and skate, bottom line is he's gonna have to accept it. she is cheating breh. my wife and i had issues, but none of them included infidelity. if she did cheat on me and i found out, it's bushes for her. no matter how long we have been together. i can't deal with knowing that another nikka had his dikk in my wife. i guess that's just me...:manny:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I just talked to my pops, nikka dun dropped some gems on me. My parents been together for over 35 years, so I think his points are valid compared to some of these nikka's posts on this thread.:mjpls:

My dad asked "was there any physical or sex involved? :ld:" I was like "no:beli:". He was like, "She was just using nikka's to get shyt done around the house?:ohhh:" I was like "yeah" :sadcam:. He was like "sounds like that other guys ain't shyt and a female just doing what females do - use idiots to get stuff done":sas2:

Me: :leon:
@Theraflu and @61 Corpses thanks for help me out breh's and holding it down when shyt gets hot :myman:

Yea, that COULD be it......and I mean COULD.....like you COULD win the lottery tomorrow type of could.

But let's recap some things here:

- she's been growing distant
- she's starting to develop new habits that she never had before i.e. smoking weed
- she has a guilty conscience on some "I f#cked up....I really f#cked up" tip...like she wants to confess something
- she's been hanging with a new dude who's not family to you or her....and is not one of your close friends
- she allows this dude to come over to the house when YOU'RE NOT THERE
- dude is helping her out with different stuff that most dudes don't do for any random female on the street
- she calls this dude instead of AAA, casting aside your instruction, and does so knowing that it would cause a problem
- dude's BM is tripping because she feels they're messing around and has called out your wife for helping him cheat
- she continues to deal with dude AFTER you told her that she should have no contact with dude anymore

Playa, let's be real here. The only thing we're missing is a Mimi Faust-esque sex tape with her hanging from a damn shower pole. She is disrespecting you, spending time with another dude and blatantly going against your wishes in order to spend time with this dude.

Breh, ask yourself this: If you heard some random dude tell you the same story that you told us, would you think she was just using the dude to run errands?



Jun 12, 2013
I really don't want to be an a$$hole here (maybe a little bit) but the OP is the same cat who came home on leave and bragging about getting to fukk his woman and nikkas on here was telling him then that bytch was getting share. Even let her read the Coli and she denied it claiming we didn't know shyt. I said that to this- it doesn't matter what we say, this dude is going to justify this bytch actions to tell himself she's not cheating, but she obviously is. Your dad gave you some horrible ass advice, and if you believe that, you're a dumbass. Realize women are born whores and you can't make a bytch stay faithful if she don't want to, it doesn't matter who you are. Get your business together and prepare to throw this slut in the bushes.

Commander in Chiefin

Passing blunts and bills $$$
May 1, 2012
Green Party
I just worked so much, I rarely called and when i did, it was only like a 5 minute conversation. We had a 'talk' a few months ago so we can ge tback on track. Then, she met some friends, starting smoking weed (not a big deal, but that's not like her). She would say "i'm fukked", and I would ask her "what's wrong", but she kept replying to stuff like "im fukked up" or "i need help" - she wasn't telling me what was going. These group of friends she kicks it with, I do not like at all so that plays a big role. For instance, the other week, the honda had a flat tire so she asked me what to do. I told her to call AAA and get it towed to the dealership to get a new one or get it patched. What she do? Call her friend, who is a older lady that has a son our age, asks that nikka to come to the house to change the tire. :dwillhuh: Really, bytch i told you to call AAA. I don't need this shyt right now. So I told her that nikka aint neve come over to my house again (he also brought over food when they had a bad snow storm). Then - get this, the son's BM, called my wife asking her why the fukk he is at our house changing her tire and shyt, saying that there is an emotional affair going on. This bytch now is trying to get ahold of me. <------This is what really set everything off.

So after that, i told her she can never speak to taht nikka ever again, or come over and cut off all ties. She's like fine. So I get over this BS. So yesterday, I call her asking her what's up and how she doing. Im thinking everythign is :blessed: She say's she's at her friends mother's house :dwillhuh::dwillhuh::dwillhuh: . So after I get over this shyt, this happens so know I'm like :camby:It feels like ripping off stitches from a gun shot wound to the chest - i'm just reliving shyt all over again.

Don't ge tme wrong, all married couples have issues and problems.

I may be overreacting (hopefully).

I already told my girl that If I see him, I'm going to hill him:demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic::demonic: I've did that shyt plenty of times in Iraq, and I'm down to do it again.

Damn breh. You're wife had that upside broom in the window ? My boy just came back from Afghanistan and was telling me all the shyt that goes down in military towns. Is she in the military too ? If so can't she get court martialed for adultry ?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
its like i said earlier, every man thinks he knows his wife/girl and that nah she wouldn't do that, even though everything is laid out for you. You cling to the false hope that your to good to get played, all you done for her, that nygga is a loser with a baby momma, and im making all this dough bla bla none of that matters. I gurantee if you get a key logger and throw that on her pc, you'll see something you don't want to see, a usb recorder under the seat, you will hear something you don't want to hear.

She will lie to your face and try to blame you, how she would never cheat bla bla, maybe your the one cheating :usure:, the old game cheaters play.

But but we've been together 15 years, check out infidelity forums, some folks been married 25, 30, 40 years it doesn't matter/

But but the kids, kids aren't stupid. Kids pick up things, and why would you want your kids around a woman who smokes weed and is inviting nikkas over to your house, because that's what shes doing now when your married to her.

It doesn't matter what you say, you told her how its going to be she said yeah he won't come around bla bla, she will just be more secret with it that's all. It's the old why you texting your exz, ok fine i won't delete. Then putting treyvathian under tanya in contacts.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I just talked to my pops, nikka dun dropped some gems on me. My parents been together for over 35 years, so I think his points are valid compared to some of these nikka's posts on this thread.:mjpls:

My dad asked "was there any physical or sex involved? :ld:" I was like "no:beli:". He was like, "She was just using nikka's to get shyt done around the house?:ohhh:" I was like "yeah" :sadcam:. He was like "sounds like that other guys ain't shyt and a female just doing what females do - use idiots to get stuff done":sas2:

Me: :leon:
@Theraflu and @61 Corpses thanks for help me out breh's and holding it down when shyt gets hot :myman:


the same ol my kid is innocent even though that nugga was on tape pulling the trigger, he was a good boy type lies mom and dads always spew.

His points aren't valid compared to others, its just that you don't want to hear the truth so whoever is telling you what you want to here "she aint cheating", "communicate more", "you guys will be ok, all marriages go through this" are the ones your dapping and agreeing with, its like creatin ga topic my girl broke up with me will she come back, and theres 99 dudes telling him its over, but that one dude is like don't worry give her space my girl came back 6 months later, and you ignore everyting else but listen to that advice :ufdup:

how do you know that dude hasn't hit? oh wait that's what she told you right?
like she would admit that he was hitting her :mjlol: oh young padawan.

Why do you think his baby momma was trying to contact you? she probably stumbled across texts, sexting, photos and is trying to let you know

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
Damn you nikkas destroyed all of that mans hope :to:

Like I said, hope you get a good lawyer. Try to have some proof of her drug use so you can get the best custody situation you can breh.

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
I really don't want to be an @sshole here (maybe a little bit) but the OP is the same cat who came home on leave and bragging about getting to fukk his woman and nikkas on here was telling him then that bytch was getting share. Even let her read the Coli and she denied it claiming we didn't know shyt. I said that to this- it doesn't matter what we say, this dude is going to justify this bytch actions to tell himself she's not cheating, but she obviously is. Your dad gave you some horrible ass advice, and if you believe that, you're a dumbass. Realize women are born whores and you can't make a bytch stay faithful if she don't want to, it doesn't matter who you are. Get your business together and prepare to throw this slut in the bushes.
link? :lupe:


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
It's the old games many women play. You work so much your "not there for them", so the first person
to throw attention at them their emotions get the better of them.
Usually when the OW (other woman) tries to get ahold of you that means more than likely she found something
that incriminates your wife and her baby father, a text message, a email, pictures etc.
Right now, i'd get a keylogger and toss it on your pc, look at the cell bill, hire a private eye, buy a usb recorder and put it under the seat in your womans car.
This is war right now and you better be prepared

You've got to be kidding me :mjlol:
This nikka said to keylogg her computer and hire someone to stalk her :mjlol:

If you gotta do all this you already lost :mjlol:


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
I just ran this by an Old South OG. He said, be careful, bcuz if that dude is real goonie and she's really into him. He might convince her to set you up for that military life insurance policy.:damn:
Especially if she know she might lose out in the divorce, they might trying to knock your head off. Be careful, it's a very dirty game.

She can kill you and say you beat her. :merchant:


May 6, 2012
:stopitslime: dumbass nikka yo pops wuz just trying to make you feel better

:mjlol: @ this nikka thinkin his bytch ain't gettin piped, she off by herself, smokin weed (makes hoes hella horny), invitin nikkaz to her crib, got baby mommaz callin your house trippin tryna fight her, basically came out and admitted to it, "I fukked up" :dead:

But these simp ass nikkaz ready to catch a case tryna go after tha next man :what: nikka you better check yo bytch :rudy:
he already chose the blue pill. let him be...