On a serious note, who's been divorced or going through one right now?


The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
We've talked last night and we both admitted our wrongs (her reaching out for friends, me for not being there - never calling and shyt like that). All she wanted was that she was doing a good job back home, taking care of the kids (we have four 15, 12, 8, 5) I admit, that I have not wasn't giving her the attention that shee needed. I tell you this, don't let work consume you. She said she wasn't asking much, just words of encouragement that she was doing a good job. She said "babe, that's all I wanted, just for you to say that I was doing a good job and not your normal Army reply of 'just suck it up and drive on' :smugfavre:". Then she said "you know how difficult it is with 4 kids with all there fighting and nonsense I have deal with?:dwillhuh:" . She got upset with me because I was making irrational decisions half way arcross the world without sitting down with her. She said she understands how I felt, but at the same time, I owed her that face to face. I agreed.

After 15 years of being with her, I asked her if she cheated, and she said no. I know her more than she knows herself, and vice versa. We've talked on the phone for a good 2 hours. After our conversation, we felt better. One thing I must say, she is a very loving person, we've been through so much shyt to together.

She said that she was worried that I have changed and that she said that she has changed. That's understandable; a whole year away from each other - people are going to change.

Before we got off the phone, I asked her to be straight up with me. "Did you ever cheat me on me?"

She said "No, why would I even do that? Do you see that house and the cars I drive? Do you see our children? Why would I give that up for somebody else? I ain't gone, lie, we got our problems, but that's only between us. "

I asked her "how come you did'nt call AAA to fix the tire like I said?" She was like, "Nikka, you want my rates to go up? You see I got that neighbor cutting our grass for free and you ain't said nothing about that, I got allergies bad and I'm not sweating my hair out either.:rudy: So what's the difference that I got some ashy nikka changing out the tire for free, you gonna do it all the way ove rthere?":usure:
I was like "The rates don't go up though? :skip::stopitslime::comeon:
She was like "Do you pay the bills? You know these companies are trying to nickle and dime us for everything:beli: You still want that PS4 right?:leon: The boys want to play Skylanders when you get home, Ray J (my son) can only play for an hour though cause he got homework and he been acting up in school:birdman:

At that point, I had the seperation papers in my hand already filled out that I got from the JAG office earlier yesterday.:to: I threw them in the bushes.


Aug 6, 2013
Sort of glad that the only real gem my dead beat dad left me for dealing with women was never to trust them...


May 1, 2012
:wow:. I've lived solo since 22 and she wants to move in this summer but I don't wanna give that up, I feel like thats the final step. shyts skressfull bruh

Man... I know I'm speaking from personal experience here but if it's not something you want to do then don't do it. That's all imma say.

I'm open to it breh, I just don't want to have to answer to somebody else and accommodate somebody else :manny: maybe im selfish but i like being able to do whatever the fukk i want in my spot without hearing somebody else mouth.

Honestly, it's priceless. Don't give up your freedom for the sake of a relationship that you don't want to be in anyway (it sounds like anyway)..


May 1, 2012
We've talked last night and we both admitted our wrongs (her reaching out for friends, me for not being there - never calling and shyt like that). All she wanted was that she was doing a good job back home, taking care of the kids (we have four 15, 12, 8, 5) I admit, that I have not wasn't giving her the attention that shee needed. I tell you this, don't let work consume you. She said she wasn't asking much, just words of encouragement that she was doing a good job. She said "babe, that's all I wanted, just for you to say that I was doing a good job and not your normal Army reply of 'just suck it up and drive on' :smugfavre:". Then she said "you know how difficult it is with 4 kids with all there fighting and nonsense I have deal with?:dwillhuh:" . She got upset with me because I was making irrational decisions half way arcross the world without sitting down with her. She said she understands how I felt, but at the same time, I owed her that face to face. I agreed.

After 15 years of being with her, I asked her if she cheated, and she said no. I know her more than she knows herself, and vice versa. We've talked on the phone for a good 2 hours. After our conversation, we felt better. One thing I must say, she is a very loving person, we've been through so much shyt to together.

She said that she was worried that I have changed and that she said that she has changed. That's understandable; a whole year away from each other - people are going to change.

Before we got off the phone, I asked her to be straight up with me. "Did you ever cheat me on me?"

She said "No, why would I even do that? Do you see that house and the cars I drive? Do you see our children? Why would I give that up for somebody else? I ain't gone, lie, we got our problems, but that's only between us. "

I asked her "how come you did'nt call AAA to fix the tire like I said?" She was like, "Nikka, you want my rates to go up? You see I got that neighbor cutting our grass for free and you ain't said nothing about that, I got allergies bad and I'm not sweating my hair out either.:rudy: So what's the difference that I got some ashy nikka changing out the tire for free, you gonna do it all the way ove rthere?":usure:
I was like "The rates don't go up though? :skip::stopitslime::comeon:
She was like "Do you pay the bills? You know these companies are trying to nickle and dime us for everything:beli: You still want that PS4 right?:leon: The boys want to play Skylanders when you get home, Ray J (my son) can only play for an hour though cause he got homework and he been acting up in school:birdman:

At that point, I had the seperation papers in my hand already filled out that I got from the JAG office earlier yesterday.:to: I threw them in the bushes.

:stopitslime: You really believe that shyt???



Apr 30, 2012
Northern California
Man... I know I'm speaking from personal experience here but if it's not something you want to do then don't do it. That's all imma say.

Honestly, it's priceless. Don't give up your freedom for the sake of a relationship that you don't want to be in anyway (it sounds like anyway)..
It's not that I don't wanna be with her I guess I'm facing the delimma every man faces, I wanna be with her but I wanna fukk other girls too :manny: but at the same time I don't wanna throw away five years with someone for some new p*ssy either, that shyt would be even more stupid IMO


May 1, 2012
It's not that I don't wanna be with her I guess I'm facing the delimma every man faces, I wanna be with her but I wanna fukk other girls too :manny: but at the same time I don't wanna throw away five years with someone for some new p*ssy either, that shyt would be even more stupid IMO

So, if she left you because you didn't wanna cohabitate, would that be worse than never having an intimate experience with another woman, ever again, forever? Note: I'm not just talking about sex.

If so, then marry her.


May 5, 2012
We've talked last night and we both admitted our wrongs (her reaching out for friends, me for not being there - never calling and shyt like that). All she wanted was that she was doing a good job back home, taking care of the kids (we have four 15, 12, 8, 5) I admit, that I have not wasn't giving her the attention that shee needed. I tell you this, don't let work consume you. She said she wasn't asking much, just words of encouragement that she was doing a good job. She said "babe, that's all I wanted, just for you to say that I was doing a good job and not your normal Army reply of 'just suck it up and drive on' :smugfavre:". Then she said "you know how difficult it is with 4 kids with all there fighting and nonsense I have deal with?:dwillhuh:" . She got upset with me because I was making irrational decisions half way arcross the world without sitting down with her. She said she understands how I felt, but at the same time, I owed her that face to face. I agreed.

After 15 years of being with her, I asked her if she cheated, and she said no. I know her more than she knows herself, and vice versa. We've talked on the phone for a good 2 hours. After our conversation, we felt better. One thing I must say, she is a very loving person, we've been through so much shyt to together.

She said that she was worried that I have changed and that she said that she has changed. That's understandable; a whole year away from each other - people are going to change.

Before we got off the phone, I asked her to be straight up with me. "Did you ever cheat me on me?"

She said "No, why would I even do that? Do you see that house and the cars I drive? Do you see our children? Why would I give that up for somebody else? I ain't gone, lie, we got our problems, but that's only between us. "

I asked her "how come you did'nt call AAA to fix the tire like I said?" She was like, "Nikka, you want my rates to go up? You see I got that neighbor cutting our grass for free and you ain't said nothing about that, I got allergies bad and I'm not sweating my hair out either.:rudy: So what's the difference that I got some ashy nikka changing out the tire for free, you gonna do it all the way ove rthere?":usure:
I was like "The rates don't go up though? :skip::stopitslime::comeon:
She was like "Do you pay the bills? You know these companies are trying to nickle and dime us for everything:beli: You still want that PS4 right?:leon: The boys want to play Skylanders when you get home, Ray J (my son) can only play for an hour though cause he got homework and he been acting up in school:birdman:

At that point, I had the seperation papers in my hand already filled out that I got from the JAG office earlier yesterday.:to: I threw them in the bushes.



Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
@ post #136

first, you only get so many calls to AAA before they start charging you. i am not saying she reached that limit but the concept is real

second, depending on some outsider to cut the grass for free? i had to cut grass starting at age 9. that was just one of my chores. i washed the car, vacuumed it (with wet dry vac and an extension cord!), took out trash, fetched the mail, rode my bike on miscellaneous errands, did the can crushing, kept all the other scrap ready, etc. that was just my outside chores. so your wife doesn't need random people coming around, she can manage that household with help from the kids

third: all that stuff about pot and baby mamas and etc. if she is lonely, she needs to go into a church. however you feel about religion, that can provide an instant community and help provide some social diversion without a bunch of drama. like many things, might have to shop around for the right one

fourth: Dale Carnegie said to spend half of your recreation time with your wife. if you are going to be married, you can't starve her by disappearing for a year and only contact of 5 min conversations where you are angry and suspicious the whole time. technology has come a long way- put it to use.

fifth: please think strategically. either commit, or get out of there. don;t turn it into psychological warfare. people have lost their mind over troubled marriages


The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
@ post #136

first, you only get so many calls to AAA before they start charging you. i am not saying she reached that limit but the concept is real

second, depending on some outsider to cut the grass for free? i had to cut grass starting at age 9. that was just one of my chores. i washed the car, vacuumed it (with wet dry vac and an extension cord!), took out trash, fetched the mail, rode my bike on miscellaneous errands, did the can crushing, kept all the other scrap ready, etc. that was just my outside chores. so your wife doesn't need random people coming around, she can manage that household with help from the kids

third: all that stuff about pot and baby mamas and etc. if she is lonely, she needs to go into a church. however you feel about religion, that can provide an instant community and help provide some social diversion without a bunch of drama. like many things, might have to shop around for the right one

fourth: Dale Carnegie said to spend half of your recreation time with your wife. if you are going to be married, you can't starve her by disappearing for a year and only contact of 5 min conversations where you are angry and suspicious the whole time. technology has come a long way- put it to use.

fifth: please think strategically. either commit, or get out of there. don;t turn it into psychological warfare. people have lost their mind over troubled marriages

@old_timer , damn pops, i appreciate the the gems you dropped on me. It's true - 5 minutes here and there on the phone is not right, i Know that. You right, we use to go to church, but we stopped going because we got lazy (no lie). We are committed to one another, that's 15 years together, and we have children together. It's not just me that I'm looking out for, it's my children as well.

I can't drop her for every bump in the road that we hit. Honestly, I've personally witness other marriages go through way worse than mines - best friend who wa also my neighbord was getting trains ranned on her everday on post.

Some of these people on the Coli that have this HOH mentality are living in a fantasy; they dont know what it's like to have so much love and emotion invested in one person and one family.