Arab Money

I think a huge problem too is, any criticism, even the slightest, gets taken as an "attack". I'm a man, and when i tell another Black man something, whether it's my friends, fam, or even some of you cats on here, rest assured, it's not an attack. If there's a problem (and there definitely is one, multiple problems) then how can it ever be solved if no one even wants to acknowledge or address it because they think someone is "picking on" them?

I just thought about how some of my male relatives in that age group are (not all of them but more than it should be). My grandma has had to call me over to fix some shyt for her, 2 of my uncles who live in the city only come over there to get a plate, they don't help her and really don't own anything other than their car (if that)....these are dudes that are in their 40s-50s.....still don't own a home (they either rent or they move in with women)....not stable...still working jobs that a teenager should be doing. Some of them have estranged kids...they see them every now & then but weren't really a father figure/active in their kids' lives....once they split up from the wife or baby mama they split up with their own kids too and didn't come around much....left the role of fatherhood for the next nikka....
My dad is in his 40s and while he's not that way, i can think of some of my friend's fathers who are just pathetic...not stable/reliable....make impulsive decisions like a young of them got some money from a settlement and then gambled most of it away in the casino instead of using it to start his own business to keep the money flowing in.....word is he didn't even give his kids any money for their future....but was all in Vegas posting pics of it on Facebook. Taking pics of bottles like a 20 yr old.
Yeah it's pretty pathetic. All this time, and barely anything to show for it. This gen is paying for it and as another bro in here said, it's like us younger black men are basically starting from scratch because these cats didn't bother setting anything up that we could build on. I'm going to build anyway but it's still the truth. And back then, dudes thought, 'as long as we can eat in the same restaurants as the White Man, and attend the same schools, we'll be good.' But nah. Malcolm said WAY back then that black businesses/ownership was the way to go, because it would be foolish as a race to rely on your oppressor for your livelihood. But nobody wanted to listen to it. Said he was "crazy". Even now, a lot of dudes don't wanna hear it.
I know of maybe a few of these dudes who drop some wisdom but most have no gems to offer a young brother in his 20s....if u want to hear about which shawty got the fattest ass, sure, they can tell u all about that, or tales about beefs they had with other dudes back in the day, of course. But when it comes to business, white supremacy, macroeconomics etc you will get hit with the