But the generation that they are talking shyt about did guide them, but little nikkas mad about some other shyt. Think about it: a couple of black men own major sports franchises (Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson). A black owned a television network (remember BET), before he sold it. Black men owned records labels. More black men became doctors, lawyers, tradesmen and entered into other professionals during that generation than at any other point in our history in America; and that was because more people in our generation went to college than at any other point in our history in this country. Those people were role models and they let it be known to younger that they can do it, which explains why more men in this this current generation of nikkas go to college and become professionals and now know one even bothers to look up or raise an eyebrow when a young black man becomes a judge, or a congressman, or a doctor or a mayor, or a whatever; because more people in this current generation go to college than any other group of black people in the history of our country..
The thing that a lot of young nikkas can't seem to grasp is that the generation that they are talking about broke down a lot of barriers. They were among the first to mass integrate white schools (busing) and get employed in industries that black people had always been black balled in (entertainment, government jobs, finance, etc.). Young nikkas need to stop making excuses for why they failing and then they need to figure out how to be successful. They are black. Black people are really creative and the ancestors left us with some serious talent and mental toughness.