That creativity while cute, means nothing in the grand scheme of this world. I mean what will we do if the agreement was reached to exterminate all black people? I guess we can all put our hands on our knees and whip and nae nae them to death. Show up at the fight for a dance off like Michael Jackson...on some who's bad.
Our ancestors should have worried less about wobble wobble and more about developing weaponry when they met cac invaders.
It's generating billions for who...
You talked down on our black creativity and you said it didn't generate money. You were clearly wrong. You should have clarified and structured your arguments better. No big deal
You can educated and rich all you want...but if my gun in your face what good is it?
I agree that blacks need to take up arms by any means. Legal or illegal i don't care we should be stockpiling them along with ammunition. We should be training as well. We should also be opening gun shops and gun ranges that advertise directly to our people. I just don't see the need for us to CREATE WEAPONS at this point in time as far as our survival is concerned. Guns are readily available
I think getting into the small arms game would be a great BUSINESS opportunity tho. Especially AFTER we've convinced blacks to start taking up arms. Then we could sell weapons created by US directly to US to protect US
I get your point tho, At this point in time where it feels like a race war can pop off we are unprepared as hell and looking like sitting ducks. All the money in the world can't protect you from mufukkas poppin at you
fukk economics and education tho?