The Internet turned everybody and their uncle into arm-chair psychologists
From my understanding, a lot of dudes follow the red pill because they were taught wrong about female nature. They were misled on what women are actually attracted too. What women say and do is totally different.
Most men were programmed to think being a nice guy/ simp is what women will respond too. That could not be further from the truth. Physical ATTRACTION is PRIMAL and RAW. Being nice doesn’t get the panties wet. That’s why some of the nicest guys transform into the biggest players because they realized what works vs what doesn’t work.
2pac, yes, 2pac was red pilled himself.
PAC got hit with “you’re too nice” early. He realized most women respond to aggression.
The red pill ideology is based on seeing things as it is versus using an idealistic state of mind. Both sexes are guilty of this. That’s why there’s a lot of entitlement in the modern dating world today.
The Disney programming = blue pill.
The truth is, attractive people want to mate with attractive people period. If people want an attractive partner, they need to work on being the most attractive version of themselves.
We can also point out how modern hookup culture consists of trauma bonds but that’s another topic