Dr. Boyce is on his second day of personal attacks, so let’s break it down. What you’re seeing right now is the unraveling of a petulant man-child who doesn’t understand business.
1. Boyce keeps saying he gave me THOUSANDS of dollars. Actually, he UNDERPAID me for FULL TIME work. The most I was ever paid in a month was $1,200. Early on I worked for free, and after that, $800 a month for awhile.
2. Personal attacks on my finances are irrelevant. I’m not the one promising to make you a millionaire. My project is Black politics.
3. I didn’t want to bring this up, but my experience with Boyce is that he’s frequently insolvent and complaining about cash flow problems. I’ve had to chase him down for my money when we worked together. Didn’t your car get repossessed Boyce? Wanna talk about that? Is this the man who is going to make you a millionaire?
4. As I said yesterday, I do not have a white girlfriend. Dr Watkins’ stepdaughter is, however, married to a white man. And he gave her away at the wedding. This is not about how I feel about interracial relationships, but Boyce’s hypocrisy. He’s a walking contradiction. And look

5. Does Boyce’s other daughter still sell weaves? While he shames Black women for wearing weaves and red bottoms?
6. From Maven to Charles Wu, Boyce isn’t who he pretends to be. There’s no Black empowerment in using Black stress and anxiety to sell bullsh*t products that don’t work to the Black community.
7. The people who support Breaking Brown aren’t “dusty”, as Boyce describes the Breaking Brown Family. Regarding me needing his channel, the first time I ever saw money from YouTube was from the Breaking Brown channel, not Your Black World. And I get more views than Boyce too, so why would I need his channel? Bought subscribers don’t click on videos.
You gotta be a small scared little man to spend the majority of your time smearing me rather than Charles Wu. I bet they still work together. I bet Mr. Wu still gets a fat cut of that “Black empowerment” money.
Watch the second video where Wu discusses how he markets to Black people that we’re all one white man away from catastrophe, and how the product doesn’t even need to work.
My project is based on using collective Black politics to actually CHANGE and IMPROVE the material condition of Black people, whereas the project of Boyce and Mr. Wu is just to use that anxiety to sell you garbage products. It’s time for YOU to choose which way forward.
I wrote this post myself. I didn’t hire some Asian dude to write copy in a way that manipulates your emotions so I can pick your pocket. That’s not what I’m about.