this show is fantastic. i wasn't too sure halfway through the first season because of all the delays in episode releases and how the episodes themselves had a dragon ball z type feel with all the "filler" (often seemed like a lot of just useless character exploration... without much progress/movement in the overall plot for like 18 or so of the 26 episodes) but it all came together fairly well in the last couple eps of season 1... and all that time spent on character build up was actually a good look, looking back at it. it created an investment for us in that we got to see the core cast grow and evolve.
if i felt the climate of cartoons was similar to how it was when we were kids, i'd be ecstatic because that would mean this show would last at *least* 4 or 5 seasons a la the spiderman tas, xmen tas, batman, and justice league... but with how things are with all these comic tas's getting canceled with the quickness (wolv and the xmen, the batman, spectactular spiderman, and now possibly the avengers tas), it got me skeptical that the powers that be wouldn't find a way to fukk this up.
i see that they're using the same formula for the young blood (crash, blue beetle, and wonder girl most recent) as far as character build up eps while inching slowly in the overall plot... i just hope that dc/wbros or whoever continues to leave them alone and allow them to tell their story without fear of cancellation due to random preferential bullshyt