Atsym Sknyfs
And all of that is valid. But the thing the wire did and game of thrones stopped doing, is telling a complete story in each episode. Yes there were larger stories that they alluded to and things that would come back later but David Simon knew to at least tell a single story in one episode and not have everything be set up. So even if a story beat or character was introduced, he did his best to make sure you cared about that development or person even if they didn’t pay off until later. You have to tell a story from point A to point B while also leaving open a larger story. Game of thrones became awful at that in the latter seasons. And Power is guilty of that same shyt way too much. While a show like the good place is fantastic at it. Last nights episode told a complete story in 22 min while not finishing the entire story.
Jerome works for me here because of Ms. Diggs. I care about her and this matters intensely to her therefore it matters to me. Chris McQuarrie talked about that regarding the mission impossible movies. When a certain character dies in fallout, ving rhames didn’t want to react with emotion because he said he’s only had like one or two lines of dialogue with this character; barely knows him. But McQuarrie explained to him that because Ethan cares, Luther cares because Luther cares for Ethan. So even if Luther isn’t sad about the loss he’s sad because of how it hurts his friend. And that’s why I cared about Jerome.
the goo d place is my new favorite show.. discovered it about a month ago.. binged on netflix and been hooked