So finally saw this yesterday honestly I enjoyed it

Patty Jenkins said Superman 78 is her favorite film and that influence was all over first WW and this one

I actually liked those moments with her and Steve

Ol girl that played Barbara was iight and yea the cheetag cgi was absolutely not the peak of effects

I've seen far worst films though and the messages were done well to me

It was definitely longer than I expected and Pablo Mando was a douche as Maxwell as expected

Stagg appearing was nice and I hope that could lead to a certain character down the line. I like that other gods are slowly getting acknowledged too

Is this the best superhero film? No. The worst? Hell no Catwoman, Fantastic Four, Elektra, The Phantom, Batman and Robin an a few others still strongly hold that crown
Not sure what transpired in this thread but I'm sure I'll pass yall have at it though