Official Watchmen Thread

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Yeah, I dont see how this series progresses from here, theres nothing much to cover it seems.

Everything has been wrapped up. Only way I can imagine it continues is if its like a anthology series and each season is differing stories related to Dr. Manhattan, Adrian, and Lauri

They got enough people to do a season 2. Laurie, Dan, Looking Glass. Adrian, Bian, Jane Crawford. Plus any other capes they can create.

I imagine if your attached to the comic and source material. The series has alot of issues espescially with Manhattan being killed.

whereas if you just whatever, the series is almost perfect

I think the series is great, but I can see the issues some will have with it

I honestly don't see how a fan of the comics would have anything to complain about. Seems perfect to me. But that's just me.

ESPECIALLY when you compare it to the sequel/prequel comics that we fans have gotten.

John didnt drop the car breh....she only thinks he did

that cat just finished ep 3. don't ruin it for him.


Nov 5, 2015
Because he’s attractive.

I swear you think I’m a whore lol.

Honestly I don't think your a whore at all, you've been on this board long enough for me to have a general opinion of you, I dont believe I would use "whore" to describe you....

Doesnt your not a

But that doesn't make you hoe...:manny:

Your one of my favorite people..:myman:


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
After marinating on the finale for a bit. I feel like it was a great season that slightly didn’t stick the landing.

My controversial opinion is that the show takes a bad turn when Dr M is introduced. He immediately introduces all kinds of writing challenges and reduces the humans (who were so nuanced before) to the most basic good guys and villains.

I feel like the biggest lesson about being Dr M in the novel was that being an all powerful god makes you apathetic to the human condition. Jon lost his humanity. Why would we believe Angela, Trieu, or hell even Keene would be any different with his powers?

IF they do a season 2 it would make no sense to have Angela become a god. Because she would lose all the nuanced humanity of her character. She’d also need a formidable nemesis.

Manhattan was still apathetic. He was just satisfying his own desires.

He abandoned his clones on Europa cause their love was what he wanted. He knew he would die in ten years and hurt Angela but he basically took advantage of a terminal diagnosis to live as close to a human as he could.

Lady Trieu’s arc is the only one that didn’t land cause hers was tied directly to Ozymandias who spent the entire show isolated. What she thought of Dr Manhattan was a last second, oh yeah...

They had the setup with the Manhattan booth to give her a level of animosity towards him not doing anything while people pray for help ala Lex Luthor but they tilted towards the legacy angle


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Ep 4 - WTF? Veidt is fukking bat shyt crazy. I mean I knew he was crazy before, but he's serious CRAY. The clone lake was so unexpected and nuts, I had to laugh. I love Angela and Laurie bonding a little, and just talking, even if there's always gonna be a wall of tension there. It humanizes them both. Laurie's husband fascinates me. He's so cool and collected, logical. It's sexy AF. I can't wait to see what they're gonna do there.

I'm so confused about the tick-tock/clock thing. I know it's a tie in to the novel and doomsday clock, but I don't understand what the Asian scientist and Angela's grandfather have to do with that and why they know. Since Angela's grandfather is walking, I'm assuming, this is all happening before Veidt unleashed his plan.Obviously they have ties to Veidt but I don't know what the tie in is and why Veidt would be working with them. He was very much a loner in the novel. I have no idea where they are going with this, and I kinda love that.

Ep. 5- fukk YEAH!

This show keeps getting better and better. I'm really digging the world building in regards to what happened after New York. Just fantastic writing.

THEY fukkING SHOWED THE SQUID! :wow: I did not expect to see that. My only regret is that I couldn't see it on the big screen.

That alone puts this over Snyder's attempt at the adaptation. That entire scene was brilliant, the music, the cinematography, the special effects. It really captures the graphic novel. I rewound it and watched it twice. I can't believe that girl stole his clothes like that:dead:I'm actually digging Wade entire character arc. Poor dude really does always pick the wrong ones.

That genetic trauma shyt? Deep! I definitely think there's something to that, and I love how they're both showing and talking about it to weave the story and expand on the novel's use of time.

The reveal of senator and management of teams and Veidt's message great. They picked the right one when they snatched Wade. I love how complex the politics are and how it parallels some of the things we're facing in our world. In that way it's kinda unnerving actually.

On another note, it occurred to me that if I hadn't read the graphic novel, it would be hard to swallow a lot of this story. It was hard to swallow after reading it. Took me awhile to really let go and accept Moore's story because it's so out there. I'm wondering how non-readers reacted to the squid and Veidt's whole being lol.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Ep 6- DAMN. This is a LOT. So Crawford really was that cop that strung Angela's grandpa up? And there's that Asian lady again. Hmm.

This entire episode really hit an emotional note I wasn't prepared for. I was not expecting them to go more in-depth into the generational trauma. The memory pill is a fantastic idea. I'm still a little suspicious though about whether these are pure memories or if they've been tampered with. I don't trust the government here, or anywhere lol.

And Holy shyt. Angela's grandfather whooping KKK ass was so fukking satisfying and awesome. He's like a 1950's black batman lol. And wow he's bisexual? I did not see that coming at all. I loved the tie in (and dig) about Hoover being gay and having a secret lover. Not sure how I feel about his wife being the little baby in the field. That's kinda icky.

I think it's interesting and oh so typical how the Hooded Justice gets embraced celebrated and immortalized as an American Hero when he's perceived as white. :stopitslime:The shot of Will removing his white make-up when he gets home is fantastic. And the theatre playing 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' during the riot when Will shows up :banderas: Was not expecting Will go pop off like that at the warehouse and the social programming with black unrest. Just wow! That was awesome. Were the carcasses hanging in the warehouse black men? I'm also digging the parallels between his mask and mission with Angela's Sister Night, his parents and the riot he gets called in as a cop, the entire theme of time circling around again and generation trauma. This show has levels of commentary. LEVELS.

In fact, the racial commentary on this show is unprecedented for a show of this kind. Have we ever seen a superhero/sci-fi/fantasy series on a big name network tackle race like this? I seriously want to know how people feel about it. I have not been checking out the reactions but one thing I have noticed is that certain comic book fan channels on YouTube that review everything related to comic book movies and tv shows have suspiciously not reviewed this particular show, most notably Grace Randolph, Blind Wave, Chris Stuckman, Jeremy Jahns, and AngryJoe. Even when they don't like a comic book adaptation, they always still give their opinion on it. Their silence and refusal to even watch this show or at least acknowledge is very telling. I'll be forever side-eyeing all of them from now on.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Ep 7- The amount of trauma and loss Angela has experience is just tragic. And I'm so disappointed in Laurie. lol. How the hell did she just sit there and let that happen? Crawford's wife clicked that trap door remote 3 times and she didn't even move because she was trying to figure out what she was doing. Even if she wasn't sure what was happening, she knew that the woman was married to a corrupt white supremacist and pointing something at her. :francis: She's supposed to be smarter and quicker than that.

Holy shyt @ that Dr. Manhattan reveal! I can't believe Angela knew? WTF. Actually this explains so much about their relationship and Cal. It also may explain why I find Cal so hot. lol. Even in the graphic novel, I found Dr. Manhattan's stoicism and emotional detachment kinda sexy :manny:

So does this mean that Laurie and Angela are gonna have beef? Will there be a catfight over Jon? :smugfavre: