SOHH Member since 01...
If a guy objectifies or makes crude remarks towards women, that's not masculinity's fault. Maybe that particular guy is just an azzhole.
All men shouldn't be painted with the same brush.
As far as being gay, a man can sleep with men and still be masculine. James Baldwin was gay, but he was masculine. Richard Pryor allegedly slept with men, but he was still masculine. I wouldn't say that their masculinity made them toxic, nor would I say that their homosexuality made them effeminate. At the end of the day, they carried themselves like men.
Seeing Black men reduced to the fukkery in the clip below is truly what's toxic, because that is what is slowly becoming the accepted imagery of the Black man.
Gay or straight, we should not want this type of toxic imagery to be perpetuated upon us.
You're taking a comment and you're going into directions no one is going. It's like with Black Lives Matter when all the faux outraged white people were like "what about white lives? Are you saying only black lives matter?"
No one said that it is masculinity's fault...that's why I specifically used the term "guise" to describe "men being men." Because you're's not masculinity that's at fault. It's the perception to some men on what masculinity actually is that is toxic. Are you following?