No, because of the way Omar was presented. Shortly after Omar was introduced on the Wire, we learned about his relationship with Brandon. Also, there was no backstory that ever painted Omar as anything but a man who did anything except rob drug dealers. However, because of the way Omar was written & portrayed, most of us grew to love and admire the character. His sexuality didn't matter. He was actually one of my 3 favorite characters from the Wire.
Will/Hooded Justice was portrayed as a sympathetic but strong Black family man who had survived the Tulsa massacre, police beatings, and an attempted lynching. We then saw Will bravley & singlehandedly beat down a group of white criminals before returning home to his wife.
Shortly after that, we see Will blowing Captain Metropolis's back out with no storyline build up, and no further bearing on the story. It was a case of Hollywood making the Black hero gay just for the sake of making him gay. THAT'S what we don't like!