Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012


I have my issues with the Dems but Nancy BODIED HIS A$$. Those Hypocrites RAMMED through a Supreme Court Justice in one week so Nancy did the same with Impeachment. They can't say jack sh!t. As for the 197, they wear the Scarlet Letter of History. I'm hearing reports that they were "Scared for the Lives after the Storming of the Capitol". Yeah because your CULT Leader will send his WALKING DEAD MOB on you. You should of convicted him last time but you were caught up and enabled him for 4 years. Also any Senator that has links to the MOB needs to be expelled but that can happen once the Dems take over. Cruz and Hawley and a few others also might be done for sure. The chick that tweeted Nancy's location should be done as well. There needs to be a 9/11 Commission (though that report didn't tell the full story) about this. A video leaked showing people talking about "Floor Plans" so again shows coordination. We know Cops, Military etc was involved.

Like I said in the Election thread, 2024 was dead then and it's dead for sure now. It's over for Trump politically. Impeached Twice, Lost Popular Vote Twice. Lost Georgia and Arizona. The Republicans need to rebrand and reform their Party. Also Pence killed his chances too by not invoking the 25th even after they were going to HANG him. The only reason Mitch isn't moving forward immediately is it leaked he's for Impeachment and that was a huge story today. So he's got to play it off to give Trump more time. To the 10 Republicans, you just put down a LEGENDARY vote that will change your careers. If the MAGA MOB comes after you it will only make it worst for Trump and his MAGA Terrorist. They tried to Overthrow our Government to keep their CULT Leader in but failed miserably. This was the biggest FAILED TAKEOVER EVER. Now they will forever be Domestic Terrorist that Stormed the Capitol to keep their Dictator in. All that and JOE BIDEN is STILL going to be your President. Like someone on the Floor said today. "We STOPPED THE STEAL alright, Stopped TRUMP from Stealing our Democracy."


King Theo

All Star
May 1, 2012
When the CCTV footage comes out

"What's the problem? Can't members of congress show patriots where the panic buttons in rooms are at?"
man this shyt cant come out soon enough. like TODAY! every single on of those people involved have been talking shyt that they dont have a voice anymore while they were on tv in front of the world yesterday spreading lies and arguably flaming the incitement fires. the longer they are there the worse this gets.

THESE CACS from birth constantly get passes. i seen it when i was in elementary schoo/middle/high some of them are local politicians and i know they aint shyt and i been on their neck since HS. They can do the same thing i do and be told its okay while i do the same thing and get suspended. im seriously fed up and frustrated with tehse cacs and the privlege and passes they get. all it does it create a shyttier world with stronger systemic racism. aaaaand again if they do not do something now it NE E E EVER going away

one of my london bruvs how do i move there?!?:unimpressed:

Peter Parker

Jan 20, 2013
Trump has infiltrated these cacs soul with his racist platform...he is them...they are him...He forced them to hide under a table for 2 hours and made them call their loved ones and they still pledge allegiance.. They are Heavens Gate cult status at this point....the Republicans are an extension of their base that care more about white supremacy than what's best for the country :jbhmm:

Blood will be shed in the upcoming days and weeks in the name of one the worst human beings to ever do it....hopefully Trumpers get all the smoke they are looking for ....that would be poetic justice :banderas:
Always makes me think of this documentary I saw as a kid(I had to be like 12), I was a super far left guy before I came to my senses and I think it was "Louie vs The Nazi's", but I remember a scene where it was the classic Neo Nazi's with the bald heads yelling slurs and heil hitlering and in the next scene there was a guy in a turtleneck and blazer to cover all his tattoos and he was talking about how he came to his senses that that shyt was crazy and no average american was going to endorse that shyt, so he decided to switch up strategies and start working with his local republican party and platform on the classic god, country and border shyt because that's something you can relate to the average white american with and then radicalize them.

There's probably a few documentaries from around that time that touch on that same subject but I remember I thought, "nah no way people will see right through that", my god how wrong I was :heh:

Through a combination of the internet making people dumber and white people feeling more and more marginalized in this country due to the rising population of immigrants and the growth of various non-white communities(plus the fact that people aren't turning a blind eye to the bullshyt anymore), its become much easier than ever to radicalize them.

I sit up a lot and think about how those documentaries from like 2003-2005 predicted this rise of fukking insanity YEARS in advance.