I like this show despite the actors and "world building" for lack of a better word.
Jodie being a racist, anti-Eskimo cop is quite believable.
Her being a paper pusher/police procedure expert is also believable.
Her throwing ol boy's drink in his face, and then "writing" him up? FOH.
1) Clearly Lesbian grinding the hell out of bartender? Uhh maybe.
2) Her mad all the time, but then a good tender sister....sure I guess - but if we got spirits/mental illness in the family - that's more of a distraction to the show than anything.
3) "It's an Inuit thang, you wouldn't understand" - Eskimo, please...
The "Agenda"
These females are being more "alpha", more "aggressive", more "macho" than a lot of the men - a lot of the men that are playing the part of antagonist - I don't know if this is some sort of female power fantasy, but it keeps taking me out of it.
In response to being provoked, why don't these men, slap, punch, shoot, any type of response other than to posture or walk off?
I'm supposed to believe that these dudes are just gonna take it? Because their mothers taught them to not hit girls? Or it will be bad for their careers?
And while all of this suspension of disbelief is crumbling, they are juggling a bunch of side stories
- The Lab/Spooky Elements
- The Mine and contamination
- Backstory between Jodie and Evangeline
- The Season 1 links
- The Sister - mental illness or in touch with the Gods?
- Young Cop/Wife/and Kid
- Both cops being nymphos
They could drop the bottom 4 easily. Even if they manage to interweave all of this for the climax - given the cringe dialogue and nonsensical writing -
this show would have been better without those elements.
I know that 1) Woodie's sex life, 2) Matt "mowing lawns", 3) and the breakdown of a partnership were a big part of S1, but it's not being handled well here. The homelife of both cops are also mysteries in the show, but they weren't really mysteries in the 1st season.