The last episode was considered to be kind of a misstep, to me, and generally, in real time. Probably due to budget and flming, I bet they couldn't do more episodes, and had to wrap it up.
Yes, absolutely fans had lost it with the fan fiction and theories, and a universe that went way beyond one season of television, in a sense, nothing could have satisfied them, and 2014 was one of the first era's of social media and TV, watching in real time, and live tweeting, and memes, whatever, plus the whole marvel world, people wanted more than the show ever intended to deliver.
but the show led them down that path, to a degree, hinting and larger conspiracies and so on-- and they just went wild.
Weird thing with Pizalatto, is he does this one thing, and it is stunning. And then does absolutely nothing.
yes, the female characters aren't great, and yes some of the lines, and scenes, --almost exclusively as they relate to women--- are macho nerd nonsense, and some of the scenes are clearly the writer and director working out their issues with women --- but it's incredible art for any medium. A masterpiece.