For all those people crying about how they wished the Hulk's appearance was a surprise, one of the reasons Justice League under-performed, is due to them hiding Superman in the marketing.
It's just plain business sense. I can't believe the amount of people who thought marketing Hulk was a bad thing.Funny how that works out
It's just plain business sense. I can't believe the amount of people who thought marketing Hulk was a bad thing.
For all those people crying about how they wished the Hulk's appearance was a surprise, one of the reasons Justice League under-performed, is due to them hiding Superman in the marketing.
It's a moot point only if you assume everyone seeing superhero movies also follows their production and reads spoiler filled reviews. You can't confuse the actions of enthusiasts with the actions of the general public. For one, even as someone who is up on this shyt, I had no interest in JL and hadn't been following any news around it, so even I wasn't sure Superman was in the movie.It's a moot point regardless because due to the nature of the internet people found out anyway. It's not like Superman appearing in JL was a complete surprise.
It's a moot point only if you assume everyone seeing superhero movies also follows their production and reads spoiler filled reviews. You can't confuse the actions of enthusiasts with the actions of the general public. For one, even as someone who is up on this shyt, I had no interest in JL and hadn't been following any news around it, so even I wasn't sure Superman was in the movie.
See, you're still assuming most people who see these movies are avid fans. These movies are billion dollar franchises operating at the highest levels of pop culture.Everyone? Of course not. But it's kindato assume that it would impact the box office.
Let's put it like this....the type of people that would let Superman appearing in a movie affect whether or not they see it, would be the type to research if he was in the movie in the first place.
And I didn't necessarily mean know about Superman due to spoilers....I mean there was discussions about Superman being in the movie pretty much from day 1 because he's a core JL member.
See, you're still assuming most people who see these movies are avid fans. These movies are billion dollar franchises operating at the highest levels of pop culture.
We're talking about casual fans and casual moviegoers here. Casual moviegoers aren't having day 1 discussions about anything. Casual moviegoers aren't doing research about the details of a plot.
I think you assume everyone seeing these movies is a comic book reader or some type of avid (investing any of their time in the movies aside from watching them) fan when that's the complete opposite. That's like assuming most people who watch GOT read the books or listen to podcasts or read the wikis.
When it comes to media on this scale, we're talking about people who just consume what's doled out to them. No different than pop music.
Of course Superman not being in the promotional material played a role in the box office. It's madness to assume otherwise. He's one of the most popular characters ever, and again unless you're some sort of avid fan doing research, there's no reason to assume someone not in any trailers or in any posters is in the movie.
I think you're overstating the ignorance of casual fans, or at the very least treating them as if they consume media in a vacuum, where Batman V Superman doesn't exist with an ending that suggests Superman is coming back to life, or a world where their kids, or co workers, or friends, or the very people they would be going to the movies with don't talk the movie, the RT score, the trailers, who Cyborg is, etc and it naturally lead to a throw away line or conversation about Superman. I mean if a family of 4 is thinking about going to see the new "Batman and Wonder Woman movie", at least one of them knows or assumes Superman is in it. You don't have to be an avid obsessed fan to have that shyt absorb into your head through pop culture osmosis, you just have to be someone that doesn't live under a rock as a hermit. And if you are, you likely wouldn't be someone affecting the box office of a film anyway.See, you're still assuming most people who see these movies are avid fans. These movies are billion dollar franchises operating at the highest levels of pop culture.
We're talking about casual fans and casual moviegoers here. Casual moviegoers aren't having day 1 discussions about anything. Casual moviegoers aren't doing research about the details of a plot.
I think you assume everyone seeing these movies is a comic book reader or some type of avid (investing any of their time in the movies aside from watching them) fan when that's the complete opposite. That's like assuming most people who watch GOT read the books or listen to podcasts or read the wikis.
When it comes to media on this scale, we're talking about people who just consume what's doled out to them. No different than pop music.
Of course Superman not being in the promotional material played a role in the box office. It's madness to assume otherwise. He's one of the most popular characters ever, and again unless you're some sort of avid fan doing research, there's no reason to assume someone not in any trailers or in any posters is in the movie.
It's not a catch-22. There's no rule or circumstance that demands Superman has to be in this movie. It would be an assumption at best, that despite being apparently killed off and not appearing in any promotional materials at all this character would still be a main character in this movie.Breh....ok cool. I get what you're saying. I'm asking, what makes you think the type of people (casual movie goers that don't research anything and just consume what's doled out to them) would even care if Superman was in the movie?
I mean....if they're invested enough in Superman to let it determine whether or not they go see JL....then how casual are they? I guess you could say "well, they could still be very casual and know Superman is one of the most popular comic characters in history"....but as one of the most popular characters in history wouldn't most people assume he'd appear in JL? It's kind of a catch-22.
I think you're overstating the ignorance of casual fans, or at the very least treating them as if they consume media in a vacuum, where Batman V Superman doesn't exist with an ending that suggests Superman is coming back to life, or a world where their kids, or co workers, or friends, or the very people they would be going to the movies with don't talk the movie, the RT score, the trailers, who Cyborg is, etc and it naturally lead to a throw away line or conversation about Superman. I mean if a family of 4 is thinking about going to see the new "Batman and Wonder Woman movie", at least one of them knows or assumes Superman is in it. You don't have to be an avid obsessed fan to have that shyt absorb into your head through pop culture osmosis, you just have to be someone that doesn't live under a rock as a hermit. And if you are, you likely wouldn't be someone affecting the box office of a film anyway.
I think you're overstating the ignorance of casual fans, or at the very least treating them as if they consume media in a vacuum, where Batman V Superman doesn't exist with an ending that suggests Superman is coming back to life, or a world where their kids, or co workers, or friends, or the very people they would be going to the movies with don't talk the movie, the RT score, the trailers, who Cyborg is, etc and it naturally lead to a throw away line or conversation about Superman. I mean if a family of 4 is thinking about going to see the new "Batman and Wonder Woman movie", at least one of them knows or assumes Superman is in it. You don't have to be an avid obsessed fan to have that shyt absorb into your head through pop culture osmosis, you just have to be someone that doesn't live under a rock as a hermit. And if you are, you likely wouldn't be someone affecting the box office of a film anyway.
This is what I'm saying but my coffee ain't kicked in yet. You worded it far better than I did.
That's the thing though....if they consume media in a vacuum then they wouldn't care if Superman was in the movie. If they care enough to let something like that dictate their decision to see the movie, then they'd research it.
Them movie reactions