Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Thor is the 8th biggest movie this year an climbing

I thought that was a Star Wars trouperandom thought - did anyone keep the streak alive and lose an arm in this movie? or did they sub that out for an eye? Pretty sure there has been arm loss in every MCU movie
pretty sure the MCU does it as a Luke Skywalker tribute. I can't think of them all, but in each movie someone loses a hand/arm or is missing a limb.I thought that was a Star Wars troupe
Who else besides Bucky in CW and Klaw in AOU?random thought - did anyone keep the streak alive and lose an arm in this movie? or did they sub that out for an eye? Pretty sure there has been arm loss in every MCU movie
They did that in dark world when loki cuts off thors hand.pretty sure the MCU does it as a Luke Skywalker tribute. I can't think of them all, but in each movie someone loses a hand/arm or is missing a limb.
Last few: old Asian sorcerer in Dr. Strange is missing a hand. Bucky gets his arm ripped off in Civil War. Yellowjacket's arm implodes in first when he dies in Ant-Man. Groot gets his arm hacked off in GotG, and someone is missing an arm in part 2,. Ulton cuts off Andy Serkis's arm... etc
Thor is the 8th biggest movie this year an climbing