The Walking Dead Gives ’Em What They Want - Hollywood Prospectus Blog - Grantland
Do you agree with bill Simmons that Rick sucks as an actor ? I think he's good not great just good

and with Norman reedus I've always thought he could act this is just the perfect role for him to play . The country fried bad ass :winning:
Bill Simmons is so stoopid.
He expects an Oscar worthy cast and performance from the most profitable thing in creation.
A fukking horror movie....
Part of the problem with watching horror is...
You get people that do not know the genre.
Then start applying non-applicable factors into their rating of the show.
Things like great Oscar performances that occur by happenstance by an actor in horror is cool.
It can happen and does happen.
Do I ever expect when I watch horror.
Do I ever expect it as a pre req to horror...
Man,. fukk no!
Yet, to sit and think that every scene and every horror movie should have high calibur acting in it is a moron.
That fool bill Simmons bill will give his reasoning for watching nightmare on elm street based on the fact, depp is in it.
When, real talk nobody even gives a damn depp is in nightmare on elm street.
Simmons is on some useless assinine bullshyt fact garbage with his criticism of this show.
Most of the idiot critics who think they are smart who comment on zombie shyt.
Show, they know nuffin at all about the genre whatsoever.
shyt is worse than these goofballs who like foreign films.
Then, try to rate sci-fi shyt and get it all wrong and send a bunch of sheep off for no reason.
All because some goof lame reviewer has no idea about what the fukk they are commentating on.
If you not a zombie enthusiast...
We do not care or give a fukk about your review or opinion.
Go somewhere and die and turn and get decapitated.
Art Barr
Sick of that mis-uninformed reviewer know it all, that knows nuffin review shyt.