Here's another reason why the writing is lazy. They arbitrarily change how far Woodberry is from the Prison. One episode it takes days on foot to get there, the next episode it takes hours in a truck. Last episode, Merle and Michonne left early afternoon were walking AND driving and they made it waaayyyy before dark. When Andrea was being chased by the Governor, she was walking/running both day AND night...but when she made the same hike a couple episodes earlier TOWING A FREAKING ZOMBIE WITH HER it took just a few hours!
This might seem like nitpicking but its just stuff like that stands out when the characters are just as inconsistent as the distance between the two major locations of the season (Rick's Behavior, Andrea's Behavior, Tyrese's behavior, etc). True, on the show "24" every place Jack needed to go was conveniently 15 minutes away, but at least the characters, drama and twists were better written, even in their filler episodes. Maybe TWD writers need to change the opening credits to a map like in Game Of Thrones.
Creator of scifi/action series OSIRIS. Get Some.