No, he looks like a bytch because he flip-flopped on dude about his wife out of nowhere.
that didn't make him look like a bytch, made him look completely bi-polar.
i was lookin at that screen like :what2: where did that cheap shot come from?
No, he looks like a bytch because he flip-flopped on dude about his wife out of nowhere.
ignorance is bliss
i was the same way during season 1 and half of season 2. use to make fun of the comic readers because they were always pissy over the show. then i fukked up and read the comics during the break. only to realize the readers had a legitimate gripe about the show.
but comics aside, they're still doing a poor job of putting everything together. glen mazzara said he like didn't flash backs and it shows. last nites flash back was completely pointless and added nothing to the story. they also have trouble writing for minority and women characters. it's funny because the book has 4-5 strong black characters and i don't think we'll get any of that translated on the show.
No, he looks like a bytch because he flip-flopped on dude about his wife out of nowhere.
He then goes on and says they've been living alone long enough and they won't have any problem doing so again.
Then he buys that bullshyt story about why the Governor's harvesting biters (just the the fact that he's not killing them on site is enough for the "weirdo" alert to go off) as a scare tactic.
And on top of that, if he was a real nikka, he wouldn't have just said we wanted to stay for that white dude and his son... if he wanted to leave he should have left and let the others stay. (since he said he was going to remember?)
Basically he said he's down to stay because of that white dude who he just shytted on for not being able to save his own wife.
Just look back at how Shane, and Glenn reacted when they found out what was in the barn? I find it funny how anyone can give Tyreese a pass for just looking the other way about that when clearly that shyt just isn't right nor does it make sense to keep biters around like that.
ignorance is bliss
i was the same way during season 1 and half of season 2. use to make fun of the comic readers because they were always pissy over the show. then i fukked up and read the comics during the break. only to realize the readers had a legitimate gripe about the show.
but comics aside, they're still doing a poor job of putting everything together. glen mazzara said he like didn't flash backs and it shows. last nites flash back was completely pointless and added nothing to the story. they also have trouble writing for minority and women characters. it's funny because the book has 4-5 strong black characters and i don't think we'll get any of that translated on the show.
no one is saying you can't criticize the show . Andreas and loris characterization was Not good writing . You keep bringing up things that are easily explained by paying attention , tyrese hasn't seen the governor do anything crazy . When he saw the zombies he flipped out and got mad at Allen for putting his last family member in danger by going along with the zombie catching after saying he wanted to protect his wife he goes and involves his son in nonsense . The governor explains to tyrese his reasoning in a reasonable way and its sound (zombies are scarier than guns ) .
I'm not sure why people put this show on such a pedestal. Some one gives fair criticism and it's tabbed as hating/complaining.
I watch it because it's entertaining, but I'm not going to sit here and say it's elite status when compared to the other shows that I've seen or currently running.
He looks like a bytch because he doesn't want to be back out in the woods? If you were in his shoes you wouldn't want to be in a safe place?
No, he looks like a bytch because he flip-flopped on dude about his wife out of nowhere.
He then goes on and says they've been living alone long enough and they won't have any problem doing so again.
Then he buys that bullshyt story about why the Governor's harvesting biters (just the the fact that he's not killing them on site is enough for the "weirdo" alert to go off) as a scare tactic.
And on top of that, if he was a real nikka, he wouldn't have just said we wanted to stay for that white dude and his son... if he wanted to leave he should have left and let the others stay. (since he said he was going to remember?)
Basically he said he's down to stay because of that white dude who he just shytted on for not being able to save his own wife.
Just look back at how Shane, and Glenn reacted when they found out what was in the barn? I find it funny how anyone can give Tyreese a pass for just looking the other way about that when clearly that shyt just isn't right nor does it make sense to keep biters around like that.
that didn't make him look like a bytch, made him look completely bi-polar.
i was lookin at that scene like :what2: where did that cheap shot come from?
I understand all of that, but the pacing of it could have fleshed out a lot more.I gotta wait and see how it all plays out. He may be getting skeptical. And remember from his perspective the people at the prison may be just as crazy since Rick went loco on him.
He probably got tired of that white dude giving him shyt for saving his wife so he had to buck on him to show who is in charge.
There is a difference between going back out as a group and leaving when it's just you and a woman.
Thank god, it would have been 10 minutes of Andrea asking Michonne questions and her responding by mean mugging the camera.From last weeks spoilers, it sounded like that Andrea/Michonne flashback was originally supposed to be @ 10 mins long...(whew! Glad we didn't have to see all that...!)..............
no one is saying you can't criticize the show . Andreas and loris characterization was Not good writing . You keep bringing up things that are easily explained by paying attention , tyrese hasn't seen the governor do anything crazy . When he saw the zombies he flipped out and got mad at Allen for putting his last family member in danger by going along with the zombie catching after saying he wanted to protect his wife he goes and involves his son in nonsense . The governor explains to tyrese his reasoning in a reasonable way and its sound (zombies are scarier than guns ) .
What shows currently running shyt on twd? None of the big shows are even running yet ( got, mm, bb, be) not to mention you didn't read the comics but you know who tyrese is since its been discussed by board members . If you didn't know tyrese was a big character in the comics you would probably give him as much attention as Martinez .
Not to mention tyrese hasn't had much contact with the governor and seen Rick acting crazy . Who would you trust ? The guy who welcomed you in or the the guy who's pulling guns on strangers and kicking them out
Wrong, you're just on some...
I hardly even come into this thread, I only post after an episode comes on...
I don't know who Tyreese is outside of him being a black character in the comics and the show. I don't know what he did in the comic at all. I just have seen the way this show has handled black characters and it's just following the same pattern.
nikka THIS was just posted on the last page.
Your points keep changing that's my problem with you . You can't even respond to the way I refuted your argument for why isn't tyrese ready to body the governorhe's not portrayed like Oscar or tdawg . He was the leader of his own group unlike the others and despite his short time on the show he has received more characterization than Both of them ( which is a valid criticism ) but saying he's not acting like a real Nicca for not going off halfcocked at the gov ?? That to me is just criticism for criticism sake .
You still didn't say what currently running shows kill twd either .
How are my points changing?
My initial post stated that I wasn't feeling what they did with Tyreese's character in the latest episode. I explained why. You defended it. What points have changed?
Where did I say in any of my posts that he should go off on the Governor? I said he should have saw a pit full of zombies as a red flag like he did initially. I don't like how he just up and bought that bullshyt from the Governor at all. Basically, his character was all over the place in this episode.
Sorry but that's FAIR criticism.
And I already know what you're trying to do with the "currently" running shows comment.
Just because the other shows aren't "currently" running doesn't mean they still aren't relevant and better than TWD. But "currently" can mean a lot of things, so I'll play along with you.
Breaking Bad
Boardwalk Empire
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
All are superior to TWD easily, and all are still "currently" running so...
And if I actually watched more stuff that's on, I'm sure I would probably find even more shyt better than TWD as well.
I criticize all of the shows I watch breh, but even with those gripes, the quality of those are better than TWD IMO.Suits loland I like suits but stop it the whole show is unrealistic even without zombies . The threads for all those shows ( I don't follow got live so idk as I'm just catching up on it ) are filled with the same damn type of criticisms as twd gets . You could of thrown out luther and sherlock too ( also criticized )Homeland this season especially , be with Nucky Owen simping , Margaret's pointless hospital storyline , gyp , lack of chalky Capone and van Alden , mad men people complained about don drapers married life new mrs draper . And currently running as in the season is currently on .
Whatever ill stop responding to you because you don't know what valid criticism is. I can literally go nitpick every show or movie that ever existed but criticizing someone for not acting like you want them to is not valid as long as they are acting in character and in a manner befitting humans .
The black characters like Oscar and tdawg characterization is a criticism tyrese behavior is just nitpicking