I consider myself pretty open minded to the unexplainable. I will never understand how people watch horror movies or movies/shows based on the supernatural and expect the characters in said shows/movies to behave as if they're aware they're in a horror movie. If my 7yr old says she saw a weird man in her room and I could find no evidence (unlocked window, doors, hearing footsteps) to make that seem possible, I'm going to assume it's her imagination. Just because there might be a murderer lurking around does not mean my instinct will be to just roll with the Boogie Man existing. I have a home security system, my doors and windows are locked, my children have gone through a traumatic experience with the passing of a parent, nothing is pointing to the supernatural as to why she's making these claims.
Six degrees of separation makes three people crossing paths not that farfetched. Their other similarities are obviously harder to excuse as mere coincidence, but it's still a lot to ask for a rational adult to just ride with an evil entity being the obvious culprit. Imagine your child complained about a monster under her bed, you checked and there's no monster, but you decided "fukk it, we're moving

". You'd be moving a lot. Like any horror movie or show, the skeptics need to experience the paranormal before accepting it as fact.