Where I used to live, a roommates mother had passed away in the hallway by the restroom.
Sure enough, 3:00AM I gotta piss cuz I usually wake up to piss randomly during the night.
Anyways, its pitch black. Both doors at the end of the hall are closed. I open the door to go back to my room on the other side of the house and I step back because I think my homies wife walked past. I told her "oh my bad." She doesn't respond but then I noticed nobody closed or opened any of the doors. Somebody walked right past me and then they were just gone. I wasn't shook but I pieced it together in my head

I asked him n his wife to make sure it wasn't one of them and it wasn't.
Another occasion, my wife's sister and nephew would sleep over on the couch in our room. It was a big ass room. They had a clear view of the hallway. Again pitch black. All we hear is our nephew "Mom, There's a man by the door, but he's not really there

She starts to say she's seen him too just waiting by the door of our roommates. I slept on the couch cuz after my incident I felt like the king of spirits or some shyt lmao. I never seen him but that house definitely got.some shyt going on