Interested to hear what you didn't like about it.
I've pretty much listened to all the pods and read the reviews I can about the movie good and bad.
The two criticism points that was consistent was the ending with the Riddler shooting and the trailer gave away too much.
The pacing was unbelievably slow to me. It starts with just a taste of action, no major setpiece or anything, and then it bogs down to a long investigative segment for what seems like a hour before you get real action again, and then it slows down again. Not to mention all the fukking whispering, there's zero voice projection or energy brought to the movie. It's a very low energy movie and no one is there to break up the monotone feel, in reality that person should have been Gordon, Penguin or Catwoman, to an extent Catwoman does but not enough, she spends most of the movie whispering and scowling too.
I didn't think Riddler was a very strong villain whatsoever, and this interpretation of him I wasn't a huge fan of. It's a somewhat realistic take, but he has zero charisma or aura, and the riddles themselves seemed inconsequential until the very end.
Lastly I didn't think Pattinson was a good Batman OR Bruce Wayne. He's the worst one to me by far, he doesn't pull off the look, his voice doesn't project, and when he's not playing Batman he spends most of his time looking sad and brooding. I find that in most good adaptations of Batman, Bruce knows how to blend in with a crowd and have a good time, he's very charismatic and knows how to get people to do what he wants, Pattinson seems far from that. He has school shooter energy just like the Riddler, and neither one of those characters are supposed to be portrayed that way.