Make your own luck.
So many internet Siskel and Ebert’s trying nitpick minor shyt.
If you think you can do better go make your own.
This is the quintessential Batman movie.
This was absolutely the best Batman movie I’ve ever seen. I got goosebumps watching this joint. That chase sceneBatman not being so polished made it so much more interesting. Also I always said you got to be a psychopath to be Batman and Robert played that so well.
A+ movie. I liked it more than TDK.
The Dark Knight is a much better Batman movie. Batman has 0 character challenges in this movie. TDK was all about Batman getting pushed to his limit as a character. Much more interesting IMO.
The action scenes in this one shyt all over Nolan's Batmans though. And this one had the best depiction of Batman inspiring fear.