Vengeance "cutscene" trying to enter the club but was blocked by the muscle twin goons then you begin the game by fighting more random goons in the club till you transition to another "cutscene" with Mr. Penguin and Batman talking with Batwoman easedropping
overall, I give the movie like a
7/10 still behind the Nolan movies but still a good tone setter for this new generation of teens.
It felt like a mob story, Se7en, and SAW rolled up into a 3 hour blunt. Not necessary a good thing either. I was getting bored of the mob storyline after awhile and
Riddler looking like Kyle Rittenhouse made me hot
Zoe was looking good as hell but she kept calling Annika her friend...does the pg-13 rating stop her from saying "
my girlfriend Annika" on the
carpet muncher side of the game?