Official The Batman Thread

Brad Piff

The Money & The Miles
May 1, 2012
San Diego




All Star
May 2, 2012
OZ via El Barrio
"Privileged white people" Lol.

Great film, not near TDK though simply because it won't hold near the replay value TDK has.

Matt Reeves killed it. Paul Dano between this and Prisoners is the creepiest villain to me in any comic book movie. Still not sold on Pattinson without the mask though.

What a great start to this era of Batman.

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas

Movie was aight. I give it 7/10. I feel like cat woman's motive made more sense than Riddler. Her portrayal was one of the best cat women I've ever seen. Movie was a slow burn and too long by the second act almost to the world of disbelief. I'm not gonna give too many details. Robert Pattinson may be the best Bruce Wayne also Penguin was superb. I'll give it that. I just feel like they could've put a little bit more of mystical elements into it or something.

Just felt like something was missing and some of the human or visceral elements, made parts a bit more comedic over comical at times.

I don't see this as movie you go to if you went back through the archives of best bat films a decade later unless you pull scenes like the score and bits of cinematography from it from an artistic point of view. Some movies just don't age well.

Tim burtons first 2 and dark Knights will always be first and instant classics so maybe that's why i felt burnt out. My girl liked it. I found it average at best.

The perfect movie would've been Pattinson in the Nolan verse without Dark Knight rises ever existing and Snyders fight scenes.

I rate it 7/10 for the great detective noir style pov of Bruce, the cinematography and music score.

I think I'll stick to MCU stuff from now on.

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
It was good, Batman looked tough, intimidating and brutal in his fights.
He had very good chemistry with Gordon as well as rest of Gotham. This Batman wasn't some myth or urban legend, he was a highly visible well known pseudo private detective/vigilante to the public, the police and the criminal underworld.

The action was dope......when the shyt actually happened ....and the choreography was better than the Nolan movies but thats not hard to top.
However, This guy ain't bout to throw down with no Kryptonians either lol, not even close lol.

The moody drawn out storytelling I anticipated was exactly what I got lol.
A whole lotta longingly looking into Batman's eyes as he looks emo and troubled.

Like if a scene where Batman is looking a bat in a cage could be 10 seconds....the director said ,nah let's make it 2 mins instead so we can "build tension" with a slooooooow zoom-in shot of him looking at the bat. Some call it cinematography, I call it making a film unnecessarily long.
The film jerked it self off a lot like that.

Great ending, best part of the film and one of the only parts where I was thinking ok, this is Batman.
Bruce Wayne However, sucked,
Jet setting Billionaire playboy, this guy is not.
Mr steal ya girl, this guy is not.
The James Bond of Superheroes, this guy is not.
.....A fukking weirdo, this guy most certainly is.

I'm looking forward to what what comes next outta this camp, they seem like they got a good thing going with this franchise and the obvious sequel hook.

Pours one out for Batfleck....coulda been legendary:wow:
Raises glass to Battinson.....has the potential to be:ehh:

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
Too long. Pattinson is a good Batman but an insufferable Bruce Wayne. He plays it like a parody of an emo kid in 2006.

Supporting cast are all great. Everyone nailed it. Especially Dano. Unreal performance from one of the most underrated guys in the game. Farrell as the Penguin maybe had the most questions going in but he's so good in the role it's crazy.

There are times when Batman's back and forths with his allies is super duper cringe.

Surprised to see the praise for the score in here. Tone wise, a huge hit. Originality and creativity wise? A huge miss. The recurring Batman theme sounded like the Imperial March trying to dodge copyright.

The counter-argument to the movie being too long is that they told a very complete story. No hanging story threads for sequel bait.

Some incredibly well done scenes like the dark fight lit by gunfire (definitely felt the influence from Vader's attack at the end of Rogue One there), the funeral scene is maybe the high point for me.

The end is a little mid? Seems like they weren't sure exactly what to do after the Se7en style villain intentional turn in.

Going forward I don't know if I'll rate it better or worse for being Batman in a Fincher movie not directed by Fincher.


May 6, 2015
With time to process this and a fresh perspective, it is a mid-level Batman, ZK played a great complement to Rob Pattinson's Batman, and Jeff Wright killed it as Gordon....

But we seen this before, Reeves bit off Watchmen's cinematography and style quite a bit without giving too much away. Switch out Rorschach and Bruce here and they could survive in each other's respective universes. Even down to the narration/diary angle they were playing...Might as well call Selina Sally Jupiter..

Physically Bats wasn't on Batfleck's level or Bales, getting leaned back by some young boys?

Riddler was dope, def gave me Columbine/School Shooter/Domestic MAGA/Asbergers Terrorist vibes...I was shook cause a hundred Riddlers really tried to overthrow the government last year.

Michael Giacchino better pay Hans Zimmer, Shirley Walker, and John Williams some royalties as he bit heavily off their cues, main theme has the same structure as the Imperial March but just changed a few semi-tones towards the end phrase to avoid a lawsuit lol....The sticatto brasses gave it away smh...

Zoe killed it and was the best Catwoman as she could exist in really any universe and be authentic...

Overall, the jawn hit hard the first hour then went downhill and dragged with too many sub-plots....

Extra long tracking shots really made the scenes drag for no reason..

Peter Popoff

AKA Petty Pimpiń..🤑
Dec 25, 2012
Brooklyn, Texas
It was good, Batman looked tough, intimidating and brutal in his fights.
He had very good chemistry with Gordon as well as rest of Gotham. This Batman wasn't some myth or urban legend, he was a highly visible well known pseudo private detective/vigilante to the public, the police and the criminal underworld.

The action was dope......when the shyt actually happened ....and the choreography was better than the Nolan movies but thats not hard to top.
However, This guy ain't bout to throw down with no Kryptonians either lol, not even close lol.

The moody drawn out storytelling I anticipated was exactly what I got lol.
A whole lotta longingly looking into Batman's eyes as he looks emo and troubled.

Like if a scene where Batman is looking a bat in a cage could be 10 seconds....the director said ,nah let's make it 2 mins instead so we can "build tension" with a slooooooow zoom-in shot of him looking at the bat. Some call it cinematography, I call it making a film unnecessarily long.
The film jerked it self off a lot like that.

Great ending, best part of the film and one of the only parts where I was thinking ok, this is Batman.
Bruce Wayne However, sucked,
Jet setting Billionaire playboy, this guy is not.
Mr steal ya girl, this guy is not.
The James Bond of Superheroes, this guy is not.
.....A fukking weirdo, this guy most certainly is.

I'm looking forward to what what comes next outta this camp, they seem like they got a good thing going with this franchise and the obvious sequel hook.

Pours one out for Batfleck....coulda been legendary:wow:
Raises glass to Battinson.....has the potential to be:ehh:
My sentiments exactly.

As I was watching this, I was thinking how underrated and brilliant Zack Snyder and Kevin Smith were when they were in their bag. If you could take Zack and Matt's creative visions with that sound composer and throw in a bit of mysticism, that would essentially create the best comic book movie ever.

WB fukked up by letting Snyder go. I hope Fiege reaches out to him for an X Men movie in the future. If he did a solo Batman film over BVS, I can only imagine how amazing it would be because Man of Steel is one of my favorite comic book films of all a Marvel fan. It's not convoluted and focuses on one objective. If someone told Snyder to calm his ADD down, WB would have the comicbook film on lockdown. Jumping immediately into justice league is what killed DC. A simple superman, Flash or WW cameo at the end of Batman would've fixed it.

Edit: in hindsight, Marvel has done everything right especially with the acquisition of Star Wars by practicing the fundamentals of slow and steady wins the race, slowly fixing all the errors in a paced out story across a big map with perfectly executed explanations even fixing spiderman.

If we were introduced to the multiverse and X Men in WandaVision, it would've went downhill like WB.
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May 2, 2012
Might be a small spoiler look out for a certain 3 second background blurry cameo from a bruce wayne from a past batman movie...he's a cop in the scene. Its quick but you know who it is immediately if you know...

Btw guys...that musical score my lord...exquisite

What explain ?


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Y’all gonna make me go see this shyt :patrice:
Breh absolutely go see it

This is as close to a true Batman movie as we'll get in our lifetime

This is 100% Year Two Bats

He is green still. He can be hit. You might get a shot off on him before you realize the shyts won't stop him. This isn't him after 10+ years of doing it where he's experienced enough and has all the gadgets that make him a one man war on Gotham

But in this movie it's clear that based on whatever happened in Zero Year and Year One, you're taking a huge risk, even in Gotham City, of doing ANY kind of dirt once the signal is in the air and they let you know that as soon as the movie starts

He's like 27 here...he hasn't experienced a Robin dying yet, or dealt with the things that we know he will experience down the line.

But this is definitely what Batman in Year 2 would be

The only issue I had is that he passed out TWICE and no one removed the cowl. Now obviously later on, the cowl will be so advanced if you try to remove it, it will likely send a couple thousands volts through your body but we'll see what the sequel is like
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Oct 13, 2016
The Hood America
My sentiments exactly.

As I was watching this, I was thinking how underrated and brilliant Zack Snyder and Kevin Smith were when they were in their bag. If you could take Zack and Matt's creative visions with that sound composer and throw in a bit of mysticism, that would essentially create the best comic book movie ever.

WB fukked up by letting Snyder go. I hope Fiege reaches out to him for an X Men movie in the future. If he did a solo Batman film over BVS, I can only imagine how amazing it would be because Man of Steel is one of my favorite comic book films of all a Marvel fan. It's not convoluted and focuses on one objective. If someone told Snyder to calm his ADD down, WB would have the comicbook film on lockdown. Jumping immediately into justice league is what killed DC. A simple superman, Flash or WW cameo at the end of Batman would've fixed it.

Edit: in hindsight, Marvel has done everything right especially with the acquisition of Star Wars by practicing the fundamentals of slow and steady wins the race, slowly fixing all the errors in a paced out story across a big map with perfectly executed explanations even fixing spiderman.

If we were introduced to the multiverse and X Men in WandaVision, it would've went downhill like WB.
Star Wars crossover to come or what?


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
What happened in it
Most of The Batman’s exciting sequel teases happen during the run of the actual movie, rather than in the credits. In that sense, this is more like a pre-Marvel superhero movie. The Penguin looks out over the city that he’s going to attempt to run, Catwoman leaves Gotham but with a good excuse to return, and The Riddler meets a new friend in his cell at Arkham Asylum.

Instead, after the credits roll, a green question mark appears one the screen, much like the one the Riddler used on the rataalada website. The Riddler — at least, it’s probably him — types “Good Bye” then leaves the question mark behind the phrase. After that, a bit of text flashes for a very brief moment. And that’s it.