Trapperman Dave
Basil Fawty
Goddamn im getting jealous I can’t see it til Saturday
Just got back from watching it
It was very, very good, but it was about 30 mins too long. Shocked that F-bombs were actually dropped.![]()
I’m was getting Se7en vibes throughout the whole movie![]()
The movie looks great, sounds great, the cast was great for the most part, the score was great, but the length mostly due to the story choices not holding my interest brought down the overall package.
When it first started it felt super-duper grounded. So much so I felt like Batman was out of place. The whole time during the first crime scene investigation I was with the cop who stopped Batman. The fukk is this dude doing here? It felt like I was watching Mindhunter but Holden was wearing a Bat suit for some reason. Legit felt my ability to suspend disbelief being challenged. After it got a little more fantastical the feeling subsided and I bought in. shyt had a nice run for a good hour 25 or so of being a cool detective story with action sprinkled here and there. Penguin was my favorite character in the movie. The highlight of the shyt was the car chase. Shame they gave away the ending in the trailer. After Penguin was out of the picture the story kinda got lost in trying to close too threads. Having Falcone tell that story to Bruce only to turn around in the very next scene and have Alfred say nah it was Falcone was weird. A lot of that shyt during that 25-minute window between the Renewal reveal and Falcone getting shot could have been trimmed down or outright cut. Once they got back to Riddler I was back on board but even that started to drag when they had to do the big flood/stadium set piece. Much preferred the relatively small-scale stuff he was doing in the first hour. Paul Dano started hamming it up a lil bit too with the yelling. By the end I was lukewarm on Riddler's portrayal. Strong beginning and middle but a fumble on the ending. Also, Matt Reeves, act like that Riddler meets Joker scene didn't happen my guy. shyt was no bueno. As far at Pattinson goes he played what he was given well but to me he wasn't given much. He didn't even have the dynamic of Bruce because he was just as dower as he was when he was Batman. Probably the least interesting version of Bruce/Batman since Val Kilmer.
I just finished watching this, and I can totally understand this being a hit-or-miss with a lot of people. But damn if it wasn’t a hit for me, this is the closest Bruce/Batman has come to his comic counterpart we’ve gotten on screen. And I loved every minute.
I think people forget how much of a weirdo, emotionally stunted, depressed, borderline crazy person Bruce actually is to go around whoopin’ on criminals in a bat suit. And all the sane well-adjusted human beings never failed to let him know that. So good.![]()
Just got back in from seeing it in IMAX not too long ago.
That Batmobile muthafukka was pullin'.
A nocturnal creature waiting to strike like snakes![]()
Nicca it’s 7AM east coast time
What countries yall in???
Only reason I’m up cuz I’m finna take a cross state trip and waiting for my peoples to get ready![]()