This gotta be the weakest movie Batman ever.
Suit was weak.
Batman with no gadgets?

Basic ass batmobile.
How you gonna have Batman scared hanging off an edge?

Emo Bruce Wayne with 0 swag.
Last 2 Batmans blow him out the water in all the above.
Movie had 0

Penguin chase was the closest.
I can't even think of any quotables that stuck out.
Liked the score, they did bite the dark knight score though.
Used that sound in the Arkham visit scene.
Catwoman romance was kinda forced and unnecessary.
Riddler reveal and everything after was underwhelming.
The acting was good but the story was whatever.
shyt ain't need to be 3 hours.
I'm not even sure I would put it over dark knight rises. Definitely not fukking with the first 2.