Official The Batman Thread


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
No not that at all. I think the coli relies way too much on critics or word of mouth for shyt and is hypocritical about it.

When the critics opinion line up with something the coli likes, then it’s praises and love. When it’s the opposite, it’s “critics don’t know shyt” and the shyt is weird to me.

I also dont see the value in basing anything on what a critic says, when that critic isn’t you. Film opinion is like any opinion. There’s no science to it. It’s based purely on your individual taste. For me to base my taste in someone else’s taste? I can’t do that. Shrug

This isn't directed at you because you don't do this but I've noticed that this "I don't care about what others think, it's all subjective" attitude gets applied arbitrarily on this forum depending on the product and stars involved. For example, when a beloved hero like Batman or actor like Denzel is involved, people say they don't care about critics or word of mouth. Suddenly it's only about art and individual taste. But if it's a product they don't care for, then they use word of mouth and critical response to validate shytting on other people's tastes. Captain Marvel is a great example. If you poll women and men, comic book fans and non comic book fans about whether Captain Marvel was a good movie you will see a huge split. But the difference is a lot of people who hated Captain Marvel will accuse those who enjoyed it of liking it for disengenous reason like supporting "agenda". Suddenly liking a movie has nothing to do with individual tastes.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
This isn't directed at you because you don't do this but I've noticed that this "I don't care about what others think, it's all subjective" attitude gets applied arbitrarily on this forum depending on the product and stars involved. For example, when a beloved hero like Batman or actor like Denzel is involved, people say they don't care about critics or word of mouth. Suddenly it's only about art and individual taste. But if it's a product they don't care for, then they use word of mouth and critical response to validate shytting on other people's tastes. Captain Marvel is a great example. If you poll women and men, comic book fans and non comic book fans about whether Captain Marvel was a good movie you will see a huge split. But the difference is a lot of people who hated Captain Marvel will accuse those who enjoyed it of liking it for disengenous reason like supporting "agenda". Suddenly liking a movie has nothing to do with individual tastes.
Spot fukking on. That’s the hypocrisy I’m talking about. All of that. Keep it consistent. If you really don’t care about critics or others opinions then stand on that. If you do? Cool, stand on that shyt too.

Humans are contradictory and hypocritical, I get that. But it just looks funny when it’s all written down and you see someone skip from one direction to the next in a mere matter of seconds.

And that’s my issue here: the mode switches based on the topic, like you pointed out in both examples. If a handful of critics came out and shytted on the Batman, no doubt more than a few of those “DAY 1” types would say “idk brehs. Think I’ll wait to catch it at home.” And if they came out and lauded it with praises and palms like Jesus walking into Jerusalem, the people who were on the fence or the “I don’t care what critics say” would use it as ammo to immediately see it or suddenly start caring what critics say:russ:

Seen it 1000 times in this place to the point you can set your watch to it every single time.
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Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Spot fukking on. That’s the hypocrisy I’m talking about. All of that. Keep it consistent. If you really don’t care about critics or others opinions then stand on that. If you do? Cool, stand on that shyt too.

Humans are contradictory and hypocritical, I get that. But it just looks funny when it’s all written down and you see someone skip from one direction to the next in a mere matter of seconds.

And that’s my issue here: the mode switches based on the topic, like you pointed out in both examples. If a handful of critics came out and shytted on the Batman, no doubt more than a few of those “DAY 1” types would say “idk brehs. Think I’ll wait to catch it at home.” And if they came out and lauded it with praises and palms like Jesus walking into Jerusalem, the people who were on the fence or the “I don’t care what critics say” would use it as ammo to immediately see it or suddenly start caring what critics say:russ:

Seen it 1000 times in this place to the point you can set your watch to it every single time.

Yep! I'll be honest, I actually take the aggregate critics' opinion into account when thinking about if I want to waste time and money on a flick because I usually agree with critics, but it's not the only thing that sways me. If I see something that I just think is super unique and interesting, I will use the critical views to temper my excitement so I don't go in with high expectations. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. That's the way "Us" played for me. A lot people and critics didn't like it, so I went in with low expectations and came out really pleased. I honestly hope the critics love this new Batman. My expectations are already high though.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas