got you.But that’s the thing. I don’t have to like every run. There are runs of Spider-Man I don’t like. Either because they’re too far away from what I like about Peter, too plodding, or just don’t work with my sensibilities. The beauty of it is I know when that writer is done someone else will get a crack at it.
There are people who don’t like nick spencers latest run on amazing because he leaned into horror. I love horror so that worked for me. But I get why it doesn’t for others. Just like there are people who didn’t like what Tom king did with Batman. Cool they can wait it out and come back for a new writer.
Loving the idea and freedom of that model doesn’t mean you’ll like every single run. So your argument isn’t the one I’m making at all.
I don’t like sams take on Spider-Man. Other people do. That’s great. They have a thing they like or love and I can have something I like or love.
as long as its because you dont like their version and not that you dont like they made their own version im rockin with you

on a semi related subject im still waiting for somebody to do batman beyond