Official Supernatural Thread!(Show officially ending with Season 15!!)


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Supernatural: The Cast and Creators Looks Back on Making 200 Episodes and Ponder the Future

As Supernatural reaches its 200th episode, the cast and creators reflect on the show's success and how much longer it could go.


It’s incredibly rare for a TV series to last ten seasons, but Supernatural has done just that and is now set to air its milestone 200th episode this coming Tuesday.

Many of Supernatural’s cast and creators, past and present, recently gathered in Vancouver, where the show films, to celebrate the 200th episode. At the event, I spoke to them about the show’s success, its fans and more, including just how much longer the show could go past Season 10.

Reflecting on Reaching Episode 200

Eric Kripke (Series Creator/Executive Producer/Showrunner - Season 1-5): I was shocked that we got to 22 episodes, so never could I have dreamt that we got to 200. Early in the show, we were fighting every season to stay on the air. Every single season, I started in the writers’ room saying, "Guys, this is the last season. Let’s smoke 'em if we got ‘em!" Eventually they started to call bulls**t on me. I was so sure we were going to get cancelled. Maybe, in my wildest dreams, I thought we would get to the fifth season, but to get to double that and to still be going strong and to be one of the biggest performers on the network, I can’t get my head around that. I’m just proud of it and humbled by it. It’s amazing to me. I’m proud of Sera [Gamble] and I’m proud of Jeremy [Carver] because each one took the format of the show and then made it their own.

Jared Padalecki (“Sam Winchester”): It’s really f**king bizarre. It’s cool. It’s a really rad situation. As you remember, our early years were rocky. We were on the WB and then WB got kind of disbanded into CW and there was a new boss and there was a new channel and there were different actors and actresses and there were different kind of chefs in the kitchen. We were like, “Oh s**t…” We were afraid we’d get lost in the shuffle. But we made it past that and we were like, “Oh, thank God” But then there were road bumps at the beginning of the journey. And now, here we are where I feel like we’re stronger than ever. I really do. And I hate when people say that – “Hey, this is better than ever!” -- that kind of wink-wink, one eyebrow douche stuff, but I just truly feel like Mark Sheppard as Crowley and Misha Collins as Castiel and Felicia Day as Charlie and Jensen Ackles as Dean and [Laughs] Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester really understand their characters and the writers really understand the characters. It’s this weird kind of symbiotic relationships between the writers and actors and the writers and actors and fans where we all get each other and now it’s not the first 15 minutes of a school dance anymore. It’s the end fun part where we’re all just having a fun time; where it’s like, “Hey, this is that song we’ll all get along to.” Not like, “Hey, what do you like?” “I don’t know, what do you like? Well, what does she like?” We’re all on this journey together.


Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki at Supernatural's 200th episode celebration.

Jensen Ackles (“Dean Winchester”): I still don’t even know what’s happening. Everybody’s like “200!” and I’m like, “Is it? Oh yeah, we did do 200. Gosh, I felt like we were just at 100!” Jared and I have this saying… We didn’t come up with it, but it’s, “Success is what happens when you’re too busy working to pay attention.” I feel like he and I have been too busy, just head down, cranking out the episodes, working with our crew, taking the material the writers give us, making it come to life. Then all of a sudden it’s like, oh, we’re at episode 209! It’s like, “What happened? Well listen, we can’t stop and smell the roses because episode 210, episode 211, episode 212 are on deck, so keep moving, pal.” We ain’t got time. We can smell the roses when the show’s done.

Jeremy Carver (Writer – Season 3-5/Showrunner – Season 8-Present): I think we’re all sort of… Our heads are down trying to tell the best episodes we can and now we’ve looked up 200 episodes later and it’s sort of ridiculous but earned I think and I don’t think it’s been a lot of padding. It’s consistently good, which I think we’re all very proud of.

Misha Collins (“Castiel” – Season 4-Present): When I joined the show, I thought I was going to get three episodes out of it and then when it evolved into six and then nine and a season and two seasons and every iteration of that was astonishing to me. When we were at the 100 episode party, I thought, “Wow, it’s amazing to be a part of something that’s lasted this long” And when we were at the 100 episode party, I’m sure someone on the red carpet said, “Maybe we’ll see you at the 200!” And I’m sure at the time we were like, “Whatever, f**k head. We’ll be gone long before we get to 200!” And lo and behold, here we are. So I don’t think any of us expected this but I think we’re all very happy to be here.

The Secret to Supernatural's Longevity

Eric Kripke:
The durability that the concept has, that it can support these different incarnations of it… I think are one of the secrets to its longevity because we don’t get repetitive. It’s a show that’s always been able to reinvent itself. I [also] think it’s the support of the CW. I think it’s also Netflix and new generations are finding the show. Kids who were 3 and 4 when the show premiered are finding it now and able to watch all of it on Netflix. It’s amazing to me. I think they connect with it and I think it’s because it’s about family. It’s not a science fiction show. It’s not really a show about monsters and demons and angels. It’s a show about brothers and it’s a show about a family that fights each other and fights for each other and I think because of that people really connect with it and that’s all Jared and Jensen and I think that’s the secret to the show’s success.

Adam Glass (Writer - Season 5-Present): It starts with our two leads. Here you have Jared and Jensen. They’re unbelievable actors. They’re playing two amazing characters. It’s about family. It’s about the family that they are together as brothers. How many people say, “Dude, I’d go to hell and back for you”? Well, these guys actually do and they do it constantly. And then it’s the friends that they make throughout the rest of it. It’s the Castiels of the world and Bobby, who is one of my favorite characters. Jim Beaver, the amazing Jim Beaver. It’s also the people who you turn around and you make your family. It’s so relatable. Anytime I think when you look at any kind of great science fiction or art, you get really fortunate. You can turn around in genre and you can make a comment about social commentary. I always look at someone like Cas, what a great character. He really is a great reflection. You turn around you're able to look at humanity through this character, who’s an angel, who is learning about humans. There’s something for everybody.


(L-R) Danneel Harris, Felicia Day, Genevieve Padalecki and Jensen Ackles at the Supernatural 200th episode party.

Felicia Day (“Charlie” – Season 7-Present): I think it’s a combination of chemistry between the actors and really great world building. They always say when you’re developing a television show, “What’s episode 200?” And It’s really tough. That’s why a lot of shows are not good or never make it to the air, never get bought. This is one that the minute you see the pilot, you’re like, “I want to be here forever.” The great thing is that it is the kind of show that attracts fans in a way that feel incredibly invested and probably passionate about the world and despite everything, this show keeps going and I can see it going for another ten seasons. It’s kind of crazy.

Genevieve Padalecki (“Ruby” – Season 4): I like to attribute that to Jensen and Jared. I think they have such a beautiful relationship for Sam and Dean and what they’ve created. You can pick up any episode from any season and watch it and love it and watch it individually. You don’t have to watch a season through to understand what’s going on. You can see any of those episodes and you can understand that brotherly love. You can love it as a female going, “Oh my gosh, that reminds me of my family or, “Oh, that’s a friend,” and you can fall in love with those characters and feel empathetic for those characters and with those characters. I think that’s what makes it so wonderful and that to me is the success. Not just that, but there’s so many other components and the people who write it and produce it and get it going… I love that you can watch and witness that love between the two of them.

Mark Pellegrino (“Lucifer” – Season 5, Season 7): I think it’s the family. I think it’s the boys. I think it’s the relationship and the heroism of their relationship and their loyalty to each other. I think it kind of permeates the fanbase because they’re very much the same way.

Mark Sheppard (“Crowley” – Season 5-Present): It’s down to whether you care about the Winchester brothers or not and that’s it. The testament is to Jared and Jensen and great writers and great showrunners and great production and great directors, great people and you say it and everyone says it about their show - but not everyone has ten seasons. We can prove it. I came in as a guest star, as I often do, and I was welcomed from day one. Warmest, nicest group of people I’ve probably ever worked with. I’ve worked with some really good people in my time but they’re gentlemen and they’re fantastic at what they do and they just get better year after year.

Philip Sgriccia (Director - Season 1-Present) This show lives and dies on the backs of Jared and Jensen and then it’s their interaction with the audience that has kept us going. We’ve had really strong writing, really strong guest cast that came in. Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Mark Pellegrino… You can keep rattling on. I think it’s all Emmy-worthy but genre shows don’t get the Emmys. It’s all really been on the backs of Jared and Jensen.

Misha Collins: The story has this very relatable family dynamic between brothers and this huge mythology storyline that it marries really successfully. So that works. The show takes risks. It does weird episodes and a lot of breaking the fourth wall and whatever that a lot of shows would never dare to do.

To Be continued in the next post....
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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
The Relationship with the Fans

Genevieve Padalecki:
[When I joined] it was overwhelming. I came from a really small show on ABC Family and I was number one [on the call sheet] on that show and I thought, “Oh my gosh, I’m big stuff!” - you know, a hot shot. And then I came onboard this show and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I had no idea. Holy cow, look at the fanbase on this show!” Every single move you make, people are watching and they’re obsessed and love it or hate it and have an opinion about it and I just thought, “Oh my gosh, this is a really interesting and cool show.” The fanbase is so passionate and so interesting and I Just thought, wow, this has some longevity to it with people this passionate about it from this point on.

Jared Padalecki: The fans have been forgiving enough to go, “Listen, you’ve had some sh**ty episodes. We still love you and we love your great episodes” and they stuck with us and they stuck with us enough where the studio and network and the advertisers are like, “F**k it. They keep bringing the fans back so we’ll keep going!” So I feel like now we’re able to play and really delve into what Supernatural is all about, because we know we have that forgiveness. And the fans, vice versa know they have our forgiveness. If they call us on our s**t and go, “Hey, that was weak.” We’re like, “You got it. We’ll make it better!” It’s a cool relationship. It’s a true team, which is nice.


(L-R) Mark Sheppard, Jeremy Carver, Mark Pedowitz, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Rober Singer, Misha Collins, Peter Roth and Eric Kripke... and a cool-looking car-shaped cake.

Mark Pellegrino: Jumping into this show is like adopting a new family, pretty much. And I’d been totally unfamiliar with the mythology of the show before I went in on it so it was quite an experience to be introduced to a character who is considered by most to be so terribly negative but in this case was a positive, honest, and interesting figure, and kind of the opposite mythology so that was really great. And just the guys you know, we’ve become a family. We see each other all over the world for these fan conventions and we interact with the fans on a daily basis. They’re very passionate about the show and very passionate about the characters in the show, so much so that if you’re in even a small part of it, as I was, it’s a fairly significant part of the mythology. It’s crazy. We were in Rio De Janeiro, doing a fan convention and there had to be about a hundred teenage kids lined up outside like we were One Direction, not just actors on a little CW show, but One Direction. For a while on my old cell phone I had it saved, when I came out on stage with all the guys, and it was a little auditorium packed with about 1500 people screaming like we were the Beatles. One Direction and the Beatles, that’s what they make you feel like.

Collins: I think we, the cast, have a really unusual relationship with the fans. We go to all these fan conventions. We interact with them online. It kind of has evolved to feeling like the community of Supernatural fans feel like a family. They support one another. They help one another through crisis. It’s something that people have started orbiting around and there’s this whole galaxy of people who have formed a family and a community around the show. So I think that’s a huge factor and they all talk about the show a lot online, tell their friends to watch it. And so miraculously, this far in, our ratings are still going up.

How Much Longer Can Supernatural Go?

Eric Kripke:
We don’t think about it. Honestly, we’ve stopped thinking about it. Knock on wood, it’s going to keep going. Ratings are good this year. My honest answer is, I think this show will go as long as Jared and Jensen are up for it and if they want to keep going, we’ll keep going. And when they’re ready to throw in the towel, that’s when we will. But the show is as strong as it’s ever been both creatively and ratings-wise and there's no reason to not keep going if the guys are up for it.

Jeremy Carver: There are certain times when you’re doing your show and you’re like, “Okay, we’re going really crazy this week” or we’re going really crazy with mythology or Dean’s going to be dark because he’s a demon or Sam has an angel in him and you worry, “Are they going to think this is too nuts?” But [Jared and Jensen] really embrace it and they really embrace it for the acting challenge that it is… I think it feels like the show is allowing them to continue to really have to dig in to different episodes and frankly to think about it and not mail it in, I think they really appreciate that and they see it as constantly refining what they do. So I mean as long as we keep it not just challenging for the viewers but for Jared and Jensen and our other cast as well, I think it’s part of what motivates them.

Genevieve Padalecki: I think [Jared and Jensen] understand a wonderful thing. This is unheard of and unreal to be in this situation and I think both of them love each other. We are honestly a family, the Ackles and the Padaleckis, we are literally a family. My son plays with their daughter and we love each other in that way. I think that’s one part of it and I think also the way it’s written and the way it’s done and everyone shows up to set and they’re excited and eager to be there because it’s a new episode and, “Oh my gosh, what’s going to happen?” and after 209 now episodes, they’re still excited to read the next one, because it’s different.


Jared Padalecki: I mean when you look at the episodes they’ve given us in seasons 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10, I like these episodes more than 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5. We’re doing some cool, fun s**t. If they can keep it going… I thank Eric for saying that [about us] -- he’s a great guy and I believe him when he said that -- but I think it’s a mixture. I think we’ll all know. I don’t think Jensen and I will be saying like, “Hey, time for us to do some movies and stuff because we’re cool!” I think it’ll be we’re going to look at the writers, they’re going to look at us, we’re going to say, “It’s go time, huh? It’s time to ride off into the sunset. Let’s have a beer and say goodbye to it.” I certainly don’t want to get to the point where Supernatural suffers. As a part of Supernatural, as one of the probably more main parts to Supernatural, I feel like the only power I have is to be able to look at Jensen and Mark and Misha and Carver and Bob [Singer] and Kripke and [Warner Bros. TV’s] Peter Roth and [The CW’s] Mark Pedowitz and the bunch and say, “Listen guys, I think it’s run its course." It’s going to be a tough break up, but it’s going to be one of those, “I love you but it’s not forever kind of things.” F**k it, maybe it’ll be Season 30! But when it happens, I’ll have my eyes open.

Jensen Ackles: I still really enjoy playing the character. He’s not boring to me. I have fun playing Dean. I still get along famously with the people I work with. The fans are fantastic. It has changed my life, this show. I really feel so blessed and so thrilled and humbled by what this show has given me and I’m not bored. Some people are like. “Wouldn’t you rather be in a really big hit show or wouldn’t you rather be in movies?” or something, and I’m like, “No, I’m working! I’m a working actor.” Look, just because the show’s not the number one show on television, and just because I’m not in the biggest blockbuster on a box office weekend doesn’t mean that I’m not doing what I love to do. I would still be doing the same thing but I run the risk of A: not liking the people I work with, B: working on a show that I don’t like the character, the writers don’t write for me, whatever the case may be. Right now I’m in a pretty good position and I’m in a position that people who are in those more notable positions might envy and I’m okay with that. I like my job!

Misha Collins: I don’t want to jinx it, but I think that it has more life in it. I would not be in the slightest surprised to see a Season 11 and Season 12 is feasible too. Beyond that, that’s as far as my horizon can see. I’m unwilling to approach the topic of the 300th episode party!
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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Supernatural's Creators and Cast Preview the 200th Episode

Supernatural's cast and creators preview the big 200th (musical!) episode.


How do you properly approach reaching the 200th episode of a TV show? Most series don’t have to answer that question because most series don’t make it that far, but Supernatural will be airing their 200th episode this Tuesday.

When I spoke to the Supernatural crew at a recent celebration honoring the 200th episode, showrunner Jeremy Carver explained, “We knew it had to be special but feel true to the show. There’s a certain amount of irreverence that carries through the show so we wanted it to have that feel. We wanted it to be fun. I think some of our most fun episodes poke fun at ourselves, poke fun at the fandom, embrace the fandom. We wanted it to feel like… fans who have been with us all this time, to give them something really special. There might be little moments where they’ll get little visual Easter eggs throughout that real, real die hard fans will pick up on and we wanted it to have all those things.”


Jensen Ackles as Dean and Jared Padalecki as Sam in Supernatural's 200th episode.

In the episode, called “Fan Fiction,” a case brings Sam and Dean to an all-girls boarding school where they discover that the students are performing a musical based on… Supernatural. As in, the books about Sam & Dean written by the character Chuck that supplied plenty of very funny in-jokes in the past. Sam & Dean are aghast to see their life being performed onstage, in song no less, and with some of the facts not quite lining up with what they know to be the truth.

Said writer Adam Glass, “I think everybody knew that we wanted to turn the camera onto ourselves. We wanted to turn around and basically take a look at ourselves and have a little fun and poke a little fun and we got to do that, which is sort of laugh at ourselves a little. The show has always done that incredibly well. It’s always turned around and been able to take a look at itself and not take ourselves too serious. It’s what I love about the show and I think the 200th episode does it really well.”


Sam and Dean get a very strange look at their past in Supernatural's 200th episode.

As Jared Padalecki noted, “The great thing abut the 200th episode is that there were obviously many ways for the writers to go. I’m sure they had 15 ideas and I think they appropriately did a proper shout out to the fans without making it a cheesy shout out to the fans. This is a way for us to say, purely, ‘Thank you, we love you, here’s something for you,’ without making it not make sense to Supernatural."

Padalecki added, "It’s a thin line you have to tow and we’ve done it before in ‘Changing Channels’ or ‘The French Mistake’ where you kind of have to make fun of yourself and you kind of have to be aware of yourself but you can’t be too aware of yourself. [Jensen] Ackles and I and [Mark] Sheppard and Misha [Collins] have nothing to do with that. That’s all the writers and the producers. They tow the line perfectly where I think the fans will know that it’s legitimately a salute to them and that’s it. It wasn’t like, ‘Hey, here’s us doing a vaudeville show for you.’ It’s like, ‘Listen guys, thank you, this is for you.’ We’re still trying to make it good and true to Sam and Dean Winchester but really we just want to say thank you, so I think it’s a nice thing to be able to do."

When I asked the director of the 200th episode, frequent Supernatural director Philip Sgriccia, what they wanted to accomplish with the milestone episode, he replied, with a laugh, “Make it good! That’s all I was worried about was I hope I don’t make it sucky. They’re always a challenge. This one was a bit more because there were added elements. There was a whole new guest cast that we hadn’t seen, just a whole passel of elements that were different for us. But I think in the end we scored it. I think there’s some really funny, funny moments. It’s a love letter to the audience, to our fans and we poke fun at them and we poke fun at ourselves. It was fun to do. It was tough but it was fun.”


Jensen Ackles said that after learning the overall concept for the 200th episode, “I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew what the intent of the show was about but I wasn’t really quite sure how it was going to come together because it was a pretty… not a risky show but it was a pretty unique show and I’m like, man, this is either going to go good or it’s going to go bad. I think what Phil and what the guest cast did with the show, it went great. Jared and I stood back and were like, ‘Holy s**t, this is good!’”

Everyone involved was pretty tightlipped on the specifics of the songs, which are sung by the guest cast, not the regulars. Said Sgriccia, “The guest cast is crazy, crazy good.” Carver noted there are original songs in the episode, but added, “There will be one very specific cover song that I think is going to blow the roof off the place. From the very tippy top of the show on down, I think everyone was sort of blown away by the songs that are in this episode. In the way that they’re delivered, we couldn’t be more tickled.”

[I'm guessing that cover song may be the one previewed in this clip?]

When it came to the episode’s storyline, Sgriccia remarked, “Robbie Thompson wrote the script and it’s really, really well done. We kept it really simple in that it really was our guys. This is the 200th. It’s going to be kind of a stand-alone episode. It doesn’t have as much of the mythology in it. I mean, there’s actually a lot of mythology in it but it’s not necessarily from this season. It’s mythology of the show.”

While Supernatural creator Eric Kripke is no longer involved in the show’s day to day production, he revealed, “I’ve seen the 200 and it's amazing. It’s bananas. It’s a musical. It’s so strange. But not like in a way I’ve ever seen a musical done before. It’s so bizarre and funny. I actually got a little emotional at the end.” Said Kripke of his current status with the show, “I consider myself the proud parent who sent their child off to college. I’m there to root from the sidelines but I’m not there to get in the way.”

As others had mentioned, Supernatural has delivered quite a few offbeat and unusual episodes through the years. When I asked Ackles how much of a surprise that’s been for him, given he couldn’t have expected it when he signed on, he told me, “I think it’s one of the reasons that the show is what it is today. I think because we can let the air out, we can take the piss out, we can make fun of ourselves, poke fun at ourselves, we can break the fourth wall, we can get meta. I think it’s one of the few shows on television that even can do that and still keep it within the realm of the show. I think the fact that we are able to do that and have that capability is something that makes us really different from the rest of television.”


No more snow
May 1, 2012
That whole timeline doesn't make sense. In that scene dean had ruby knife. Meaning it could of only been 7 years ago at max. Cole's age doesn't add up at all.
Could have been a shape shifter

Anyway tonight was the musical, it was alright I enjoyed it, notice how they mentioned the brother still locked up with lucifer? Be cool if we get mark pelligrino back


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
I loved the episode. Not the best "Meta" (That will forever belong to changing channels) But i honestly think this was better then "The French Mistake"

Adam the necklace and Chuck almost brought a tear to my eyes. This is literally the best episode we had in ages. Hopefully this is just a nod of whats to come.

Also. Am i grasping at straws here? Or did this episode just 100% confirm Chuck is God?? Going from the lore of prophets in this series it's literally impossible for Chuck to still be around.


Aug 29, 2013
Supernatural needs to start doing ass shots like The Flash and Arrow do. I thought I was the only one who that Hannah was packin' :mjcry:
That shot when she got out the car at that gas station was all I needed. She wants the D but Castielle too fukked up to see that.


Aug 29, 2013
I really wish Chuck aka God would pay a visit to Metatron and give him that work.

"You thought you could be me huh:ufdup:"


May 3, 2012
Has it really been confirmed that Chuck is God though? I mean I know we all just assume but I want to know if its definite.


Aug 29, 2013
Has it really been confirmed that Chuck is God though? I mean I know we all just assume but I want to know if its definite.
I think there's a interview where they asked the actor who plays Chuck how it felt to play God. He didn't deny the assumption or question. :yeshrug: