Logan knocked Roman's tooth out. 
The dysfunction is deep.
Shiv you just fukked up royally but still want to act like a diva? Refusing to do the panel was weak and then reversing yourself made it worse. She did look good walking to the meeting with Holly Hunter tho, ass was all poking out.
So Shiv was right and Kendall was wrong about handling the New Yorker piece because that shyt coming out that weekend blew the deal. Logan begging that lady leaving the conference was the weakest he has looked on the show. Everyone gets their down moments on this show I guess.
Tom is a Loser. He and Shiv's power grab marriage is hard to watch. Makes me wonder about real life power couple dynamics.
But Tom and Greg(ory) settling in, "We Here For You" had me and my wiz crying.
Good ep, glad the Piers or Pierce thing is over.

The dysfunction is deep.
Shiv you just fukked up royally but still want to act like a diva? Refusing to do the panel was weak and then reversing yourself made it worse. She did look good walking to the meeting with Holly Hunter tho, ass was all poking out.

So Shiv was right and Kendall was wrong about handling the New Yorker piece because that shyt coming out that weekend blew the deal. Logan begging that lady leaving the conference was the weakest he has looked on the show. Everyone gets their down moments on this show I guess.
Tom is a Loser. He and Shiv's power grab marriage is hard to watch. Makes me wonder about real life power couple dynamics.

But Tom and Greg(ory) settling in, "We Here For You" had me and my wiz crying.

Good ep, glad the Piers or Pierce thing is over.