This show remains very entertaining, but they need to tighten up the writing. Too many

I'm glad Ghost is finally living up to his moniker. The sirens tipped him off to the fact that she was close to him at Bally, and her running to the room when the daughter was texting gave him pause too, so it's easy to believe that a man with the rep to be nicknamed "Ghost" would be able to put two and two together. Even if he didn't
know she cloned his phone, it was only prudent to change his phone out just to be cautious. This ain't the first time he's changed phones.
Ghost is a snake, so I do believe he set Tommy up. Why is everyone so sure Jamie contracted Turtle to get Tommy off? We're ignoring the fact that Turtle owes them $12k and is refusing to pay? I think Ghost knows that Angela's case will fall apart since she's done so much illegal shyt, but that debt needs to pay into this storyline.