t this point anything can happen the next 2 episodes. but yea like dude 2 post above said tommy got bagged makin a drop! donno bout any work and im guessin the feds shot lobos boy up. maybe tommy gets out easily. i know ghost is a ghost but all the way setting tommy up like that is wild lol. but man this muthafukkka ghost. and with the lawyer prelude scenes. im sure ghost got that lawyer for somebody ELSE. only person i can see actually being able to kill em with a gun at this point is angela or perhaps tasha which both are b1tches. against the rest he be movin wild sneaky. kanans thirst level peaked this episode. so he prob gon get dealt with too fast. the son gon ask tasha next ep how kanan get locked and he gon flip on her. also the fact that kanan didnt get to meet lobos like he told the serb ruiz and haitian marlo is lol. why they all team up like legion of doom

all the sudden lmao. ruiz chatty patty to the max lol. ghost might have to disappear. i cant see kanan makin it out this season alive ruiz wont be alive. shawn the only way kanan and ghost can cross paths at this point. ghost already checked dude lol. tasha told shawn the wrong info. kanan doesnt even know what lobos look like. lol whoo got the work now tho brehs? will a super new plug be revealed next episode? ghost might set the next nikkaz up lol. but damn tommy. just cause we aint see what happen inside im guessin he gets bail or charges dropped by a twist? lobos got lawyers 2. is ths nikka ghost gon bounce with angela foreal