What he did was the equivalent of someone giving you $50 for returning their $50,000 watch. His kid grew up poor and his mother had a house full of money. There's no "good" in that.
It had nothing to do with Tommy. Dude was loud talking while they were discussing business. He was clearly undisciplined. Kanan even asked Dre did he trust the guy. Dre's response was "sure". That's basically no. Kanan made his move and informed Dre "sure" was not an acceptable answer.
Why you going against the grain?
Clearly the director wanted to show Kanan didn't appreciate the disrespect towards Tommy, otherwise they would have simply had the young nikka disrespecting Kanan instead....if you watch the scene again, Kanan emphasizes specifically that the crew was to answer to him
AND Tommy....right after the young nikka kept talking stupid.....so he was perturbed about it and he cut a look at the dude right afterward for laughing.
I think Kanan got love for him. If Kanan kills Tommy, its simply to have no loose ends but, that would be straight business, as in not personal. I don't think Kanan has the same hatred for Tommy as he does Ghost. He knows Ghost set him up. He knows Ghost is the brain, Tommy is the muscle. He saw how Ghost was living in the penthouse like Donald Trump and wanted to cancel him that moment. Tommy's not smart enough or ballsy enough to cross Kanan. I'm not understanding where you're getting this from.
And that's his money nikka.....go head and spend up a crazy murderer's money if you want homie