
What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Yeah rewatching it I can appreciate the character development Tony went through in the movie. I really did a 180 on it I think it's a good film. Even though the Mandarin and EXTREMIS (lava people) piss me off. :francis:

I don't have much affinity for the mandarin so the twist didn't bother me. In fact I loved it at the time and I liked what the movie was saying. BUT I get why people hate that. Completely do.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Fake neutral cats looking faker every time. Easier to spot now :sas2:

the "neutral" people are DC stans in pseudo disguise. we all hip to game. they come :cape: for them but no where to be found when they say off the wall shyt (which is all the time)


We might as well start calling "Fake Neutral" cats Clark Kents and DC Stan's, Supermen.

Only thing that separate them is fake glasses and a weak comb over



Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Why ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is a Metaphor For Sony’s Mishandling of the Franchise

While watching the new Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, it occurred to me how the story being presented to us seems to mirror Sony’s relationship with Marvel Studios. While it’s clearly not intentional (or is it?), this movie could act as an interesting lens to view the past, present, and future of the Spider-verse.


The trailer begins with Tom Holland‘s Peter Parker asking Robert Downey Jr.‘s Tony Stark for advice on being a superhero, and Iron Man wisely tells the younger hero “Can’t you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? Just stay close to the ground.”

Stark’s comments could be reflective of the fan response to Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel, which was not as grounded as many people wanted it to be. Marc Webb’s films were originally supposed to be a character-centric high school movie with small stakes, but they developed into something much bigger and much busier. By the time the sequel came around, Jamie Foxx was flying around Times Square with a weird CG glowing blue face, Dane DeHaan was doing something as the new Harry Osborn, and no one was happy with the direction of the franchise.

So let’s go back the trailer. Parker, unwilling to take Tony’s advice, attempts to fight some henchmen on the Staten Island Ferry. One thing leads to another. This happens:


The boat is ripped in two and Spider-man tries to keep the ship together with his webs, but he’s fighting a losing battle. And then Iron Man shows up to save the day.


This is a pretty apt visualization of Disney and Marvel Studios showing up to rescue the sinking ship that was Sony’s Spider-Man movie franchise.

Former Sony boss Amy Pascal made the historic deal to share the character just before stepping down as the head of the studio, becoming a producer on the rebooted franchise. And then, Peter’s friend (the audiences) learn that he is secretly Spider-Man (learn that Spidey has joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe) and geeks out over the fact that he knows Captain America and the rest of the Avengers (it’s a good time to be a comic book movie fan).


Now that Marvel Studios is on board to save the Spider-Man movie franchise and fans are once again excited about the series, it’s time to introduce our villain. Michael Keaton plays Adrian Toomes, AKA, the Vulture, who is like an evil Tony Stark. He is literally picking through the remains of the Battle of New York for his own financial gain. The Vulture has put no consideration into where these weapons will ultimately go, nor does he care – it’s all about the bottom line for him.


It might be easy to see Keaton as the on-screen version of new Sony head Tom Rothman, who wasn’t involved in the Sony/Marvel Studios deal and is now threatening to produce a Spiderverse of movies not connected to the MCU – movies based on characters like Venom, Black Cat, and Silver Stable. What pieces can he find in the rubble? What characters can produce some fast cash?

As the trailer comes to a climax, Keaton tells Parker that he is willing to do whatever he needs to protect his family. He gives a strong warning to Parker: “Don’t mess with me, because I will kill you and everyone you love.” I believe him.

The levels:wow:


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

:dead: at this p*ssyhole not realising that he's posting numbers that fukk over his whole argument. Notice a trend p*ssy? I'll give you a hint - they're not going up :skip:

And of course Sony have created the best Spider-Man movie so far - they created the only Spider-Man movies so far dikkhead :gucci:

That means they've also created the most garbage ones as well.

Marvel Studio Franchise box office:

Ironman 1: $585,174,222
Ironman 2: $623,933,331
Ironman 3: $1,214,811,252

Cap 1: $370,569,774
Cap 2: $714,264,267
Cap 3: $1,153,304,495

Thor 1: $449,326,618
Thor 2: $644,571,402

Avengers is the only franchise where the sequel did less than the previous movie and that still did over a billy. Guardians, Thor and Avengers 3 to come and I'd be fukking stunned if they don't more than their previous movies.

You're telling me that you're looking at the numbers you posted and not seeing a franchise in decline - even in an era where Superhero movies are the genre most likely to clear a billion? You don't see that then basically you're a dumb fukk.

Wanna bet against me that this Marvel Studios produced movie is the highest grossing Spidey movie ever? What you wanna bet coli-wise? I'll let you set the terms.

This is the equivalent to a rapper already being the shyt,but then after a Jayz cosign,people decide to dikk ride to no end.

This is purely a testament to how disgusting the marvel and dc stans are:martin:

No matter how good the ASM movies were,they would never have gotten the acclaim because "spider belongs with Marvel:damn:" if majority of marvel movies don't flat out stink or are pretty average:mjlol:...and dc stans if it don't measure up to the Nolan films you already know:mjlol:,unless it's DC of course,all of a sudden they have patience:sas1:

I expect a movie no better than ASM,or the originals but will probaly be called the greatest spiderman now on some dikk riding shyt....Sony did need marvels help to make spiderman go pop.

Congratulations,Spiderman is Tony Starks sidekick now:pachaha:

If it's good as the ASM movies I'm good.

And go back to stanning the characters and not the studios,Smh at stanning the likes of Wonder Woman,Captain America,Hawkeye,Thor,Ironman.

If anything come to Sony and Fox where all the good hero's at:banderas:

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I don't have much affinity for the mandarin so the twist didn't bother me. In fact I loved it at the time and I liked what the movie was saying. BUT I get why people hate that. Completely do.

I thought it was clever, probably one of the the most original twists we've seen in comic book movies.

Despised that Gwyneth Paltrow shyt tho :scust:

Edit: oh yeah, #fakeneutralset:lolbron:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I thought it was clever, probably one of the the most original twists we've seen in comic book movies.

Despised that Gwyneth Paltrow shyt tho :scust:

Edit: oh yeah, #fakeneutralset:lolbron:
Disney cultists don't have the rational thought to realize being neutral means you can like and dislike films from any company while having criticisms for any company.

If you have any problem with how Disney operates you're fake neutral.

There's no room in the church of Disney for anything but blind worship.
Last edited:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
This is the equivalent to a rapper already being the shyt,but then after a Jayz cosign,people decide to dikk ride to no end.

This is purely a testament to how disgusting the marvel and dc stans are:martin:

No matter how good the ASM movies were,they would never have gotten the acclaim because "spider belongs with Marvel:damn:" if majority of marvel movies don't flat out stink or are pretty average:mjlol:...and dc stans if it don't measure up to the Nolan films you already know:mjlol:,unless it's DC of course,all of a sudden they have patience:sas1:

I expect a movie no better than ASM,or the originals but will probaly be called the greatest spiderman now on some dikk riding shyt....Sony did need marvels help to make spiderman go pop.

Congratulations,Spiderman is Tony Starks sidekick now:pachaha:

If it's good as the ASM movies I'm good.

And go back to stanning the characters and not the studios,Smh at stanning the likes of Wonder Woman,Captain America,Hawkeye,Thor,Ironman.

If anything come to Sony and Fox where all the good hero's at:banderas:
Lot of truth in this post.

People already exposed their extreme bias calling Holland the best spider man/Peter based on mere minutes of footage.

Stick asm 1 and 2 under the Disney banner and the same posters calling trash would suddenly love it.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Has no problem with the convo or any shots taken at Marvel in here.... just one question

Fake Neutral cats or Clark Kents rather...

Where are you?


With that said... its funny how Supermen dont even know what the fukk a "fake neutral cat" is after it has been demonstrated and explained in the most basic and simple explanations many times. Now they trynna redefine it for their paltry agenda:mjlol:

I guess thats what happens when one RUNS from posters or words on a monitor via the ignore feature. Can you really be a tough guy with tough talk when you hide under the covers with a flashlight? Just a thought:sas2:



What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Has no problem with the convo or any shots taken at Marvel in here.... just one question

Fake Neutral cats or Clark Kents rather...

Where are you?


With that said... its funny how Supermen dont even know what the fukk a "fake neutral cat" is after it has been demonstrated and explained in the most basic and simple explanations many times. Now they trynna redefine it for their paltry agenda:mjlol:

I guess thats what happens when one RUNS from posters or words on a monitor via the ignore feature. Can you really be a tough guy with tough talk when you hide under the covers with a flashlight? Just a thought:sas2:


I have no idea what you're talking about I just wanted to add a:russ:

But I will ask you this: are the two or three of us who've defended iron man 3 not enough for you? Is there a quota you need to make you happy? Just asking for future reference so I can define the terms cause I said I loved the flick and explained why and there was some back and forth but nothing major