I don't get Stranges motivation to help Peter. Just seems so out of character, but there was nothing to show us that this wasn't the Strange we know. Did he just want to prove to Wong (new sorcerer supreme) that he could do it? An ego thing?
Villains...aside from Norm why would they go with Hollands plan?

We know Osbornes motivation to make everyone suffer, but the others had no reason to follow. Holland just imprisoned them
Not my May

I had a feeling Peter would lose someone, but thought it might be Happy or Ned
Seeing all them together, in the lab, bantering before the final fight

kid in me wanted to shed a tear
Peter 1 vs Norm

Peter 2

Peter 3

comic relief and redemption
After credits

So we got a symbiote remnant in the MCU now

Strange gonna suffer the wrath for fukking up in this movie.

Mordo with the locs

Shuma looking
And who was that other girl with Strange and Wanda inthe doorway portal?