Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
This episode was F I R E!
I knew we were in for a classic when Jerome threw on the NWA cap. nikka wasn’t playing at ALL this episode
Let me start with what I DIDN’T like. And that was Tonosse not getting capped. You can’t leave loose ends. Now I KNOW the series has shown that Franklin has a soft spot for women. He didn’t snitch nor take revenge on Melody for permanently maiming him. He let Wanda in on the business originally even though he always knew she weak. But Tanosse was on some other shyt. She literally was setting Franklin up to get murked. And that old sorry ass “I remembered why I loved you” shyt was played. Either Franklin or Jerome should have clipped her after they set up Manboy. And unless their going to bring her back as part of Franklin’s “downfall” next season there’s no good reason for her to live.
Now onto the good stuff
I TOLD ya’ll Manboy was going to die this season. There was no more story for him as they’ve already set up the drug storyline for next season to be Franklin’s expansion. Therefore Franklin didn’t need a loudmouth rival bucking at him his every move. But they did a good job giving him a great send off. Manboy talking shyt until the end was perfect
Khadijah also needed to die. This wasn’t hard to tell. The way they went about it with Leon trying to get her to let the shyt go was realistic for a traumatized Leon, but no way was she going to let the death of her ONLY child slide. Plus Jerome obviously gave no fukks.
Skully is going to kill at least ONE of the crew next episode mark my words. Maybe its somebody like Peaches (who hasn’t had a line of dialogue in the past two episodes) or it could even be Jerome. But after all the W’s Franklin got this episode he’s GOT to take a big L in the finale.
Reed drugging Irene’s drink was predictable as all fukk. I didn’t for a SECOND think he was going to turn on the CIA. Reed is a soldier and he’s in it for the long haul. He will NEVER abandon his mission until the day he dies.
People thinking Irene was stupid for trusting Reed. Thats the POINT. Everyone in the series has an addiction problem and are coping with it in different ways. Franklin is addicted to control. Reed is addicted to his job. Gustavo is addicted to Lucia. Manboy was addicted to his own sense of importance. Khadijah was addicted to revenge. Leon is addicted to the hustle. And so on and so on. The only character who has realized their addiction and is trying to overcome it is Cissy, which is why she’s trying to get out. Irene was addicted to exposing the truth. She had blinders on for anything that got in the way of her putting out that story. She didn’t give a shyt about the safety of her ex husband, her daughter, or even HERSELF. She wanted that story. And Reed GAVE HER WHAT SHE WANTED. She just paid for it with her life.
It was a true pleasure seeing Franklin boss up in this episode. The series is best when he’s in strategy mode and his ability to outthink and out-reason everyone is what makes him such a great character. When he was talking to Black Diamond and Dallas and straight REASONING with them, that was an excellent scene.
Alton is the dumbest character on the series. I almost WANT to see him get murked in the finale. I don’t know if Franklin will be the one to kill him but I don’t think it CAN be Reed who does it because that would forever fracture his relationship with Franklin and despite the “everyone is replaceable” threat I think Reed is smart enough to recognize that Franklin is one in a million. Manboy couldn’t accomplish what Franklin has over the past three seasons plug or no plug. Skully DAMN sure can’t.
Next episode predictions
-Skully kills Peaches. (MAYBE Jerome as well)
-Cissy & Louie blame Franklin for Jerome’s death. Cissy leaves for good.
-Gustavo leaves to find Lucia.
Throw out everything I said and Skully kills CISSY AND Alton.
If Skully kills Franklin’s parents then Franklin’s heart will 100% turn cold. I’m expecting Season 5 to be the final season so this season 4 finale has to spell a BIG change in Franklin’s character for his eventual downfall in season 5
I think they laid out some foreshadowing for both predictions on purpose to throw the viewer off and give some options, total

Dope analysis some of your post in here remind me of the breh @hex during the Breaking Bad run