I respectfully disagree...
For contrast lets look: Marlo Stansfield was an awful human being, Tony Soprano was a horrible human being as well..
Saint in my opinion is ignorant at best, case in point look at one of the scenes with him Andre when they were in the car. Andre showed Saint looking at black people walking around like zombies, and he asked him "how do you sleep at night?" Franklin said "like a baby". Saint had no idea the impact of what crack did to the black community nationwide. I'm from LA and was a baby(early 80s) in that era and by the 90s we really saw the effects of crack.
Saint was never groomed as a gangster like the aforementioned people I just named. He's learning to become that and he stumbled upon the cocaine game by accident when his homie had him meet Ali for the time. He never meant to kill Kevin and he only killed Andre because that was his last option after begging him to take melody and leave.
This season has not gone into depth with Saint, he's been in defense mode since episode 1 of this season, from skully, manboy, his father, leon, everyone. You can point to what happened with the elderly couple with the library but they still won.
We also forget that as its depicted in this show, Saint is supposed to 21-22. He's a young, savvy, very ignorant kid that's in over his head and learning as he goes. But I do not think he's a "monster". But he may have to really become one to survive as it relates to the show.