Show jumped the shark for me.
Releasing the CIA story this early was a huge mistake. It took Hank 5 seasons to figure out Walter White was Heisenberg. DJ Vlad uncovered a massive CIA plot in 5 episodes.
And at the end of the day they're going to have to just sweep it under the rug and act like it never happened. Really changes the stakes going forward. Feels like GOT after the Battle of Winterfell.
Skully and Man Boy have to die and there's no credible threat to replace them. They can't drag out this war for another season.
Everybody knew the funeral was a prime target and nobody looked prepared at all. Khadija who's suddenly Super Crip and her Set It Off crew were chilling half a block away and got the drop on everybody.
Leon chilling at the hospital and the funeral home when there was a citywide manhunt for him two days ago is just bullsh*t plain and simple. They have his fingerprints and his accomplice was murdered. He'd be a suspsect in that killig too. There is no reason for the poice to just drop it. He's not even trying to avoid them at this point.
ManBoy's plan was kinda wack. He clearly didn't need ol girl to follow Franklin and outside of that she's done nothing to get him closer to the plug. He should've just used her to kill Franklin.
I hope they can turn it around, but my expectations have been lowered significantly.