I think it's accounting. lol
I had to take it during the semester that just finished, but I dropped b/c I almost failed. I'm taking it this summer at a cc instead. Hopefully it'll be easier there, but I doubt it.

Lord help you. You are about to ruin your summer.
Testosterone is a hormonal thing just like estrogen with women. Dudes with high test levels are gonna be horny way more than dudes with lower levels.
Its as simple as that, over all most men are on average hornier than women. So that's what makes "sex" so important to us. Most men don't even realize that they are literally as hormonal as women it just a constant hormone instead of ups and downs of one.
It starts off with -> it's our hormones to blame. It makes us want to have sex more than y'all

but women shouldn't want to have sex as much us because they don't have the same hormones.

A woman that likes sex too much is probably a hoe. Hoes should be publicly shamed because real men don't claim them and we need to prevent any others popping up, but we can still have sex with them in private as long as nobody else knows.
Then it's -> men need to have sex with more than woman at a time. It's only natural for us.

Women shouldn't be having sex with anyone unless she has a ring of some kind on her finger and if she is, she is probably broken emotionally because women equate emotion with sex, unlike men.
Then it turns into -> men should have babies with as many women as possible to expand his bloodline and legacy. It's how men are supposed to function.

Monogamy isn't right for men, but women should be loyal to her one man or she is bushes status.
It's always SOMETHING. Something y'all can't control or should go with because it's the "right" thing to do as a man. It's this logic that devolves into a clusterfukk that always gets WOMEN in the ass, every time.