Queen of Swords
Tried calling off from my job...Bruh, why did the main manager was talking about some "you would have to come into work or have someone cover your shift."
That's all good n shyt, but y'all didn't even tell me all that bullshyt. Y'all said to call off, it would have to be 4 hours ahead of time when i first worked here. And y'all didn't tell me this shyt all those other times I called off tho!
talking about it's in the employee handbook...dude! don't nobody read that shyt!
Not to even mention, he saying "you can't just call off without no reason" Bruh, you didn't even bother to ask for the reason to begin with!
Like nikka, you just straight up assumed I didn't have a reason!But regardless, Im still not coming in - But hey, atleast I was nice enough to warn and tell you.
Like, I'm so fukking fed up with fukking shyt of a job - y'all barely give me any hours, and the little y'all do give me, it always gets cut! Like, Y'all got me missing walmart - walmart of all places! I mean, don't get me wrong, I hated them too - but at least they were consistent with my hours.
And with all the other shyt going on - I frankly don't give a flying shyt if I get fired. Hell, I've been all night crying my fukking eyes out - but y'all want me to still come into work in the state I'm in??? Y'all want to me take that chance of the verge of breaking down???
Sorry guys, I had to get this off my chest. I'm just fed up with life and this so called restaurant job.Like, I'm literally at my wits end.

But the reason is cause, when people call out with no replacement others gotta stay later to pick up the slack. He was probably mad cause he had plans for the night or sumtin.