That's pretty much the same symptoms my grandmother when she was deep Into Alzheimer's, @Vice Queen as well if I recall.
Regardless of how anything goes, stay strong and try and keep your head up.
She has been deep into the disease for the last couple of years. I don't know why this is affecting me soo much man. Thank you

Very sorry to hear this, but if you'd like I'd like to offer some perspective, though it might honestly be a little hard to hear. My great aunt was in the same situation about 2 years ago, where she wouldn't eat or cooperate with the medical staff. Was looking for answers online, and people with similar circumstances all mutually acknowledged this tends to be the final stage, so they encouraged me to use the time left to say what you need to say, or just be there for them. I spent the day before my great aunt passed just watching her, and although she wasn't eating much, she did seem peaceful, or at least at ease. She didn't actually pass until the family left the hospital, so it makes me wonder into this theory of how people like to subconsciously pass in private.
But everyone and every case is different, you never know what miracle you could get. I'd just say enjoy the moment of now while she's still here. And cherish the memories you're making now, cause you'll be able to remember them clear as day years later.
She is already in the last stages, the thing that scared me was she isn't fighting anymore. Like she was always fighting, still very strong...You can't hold a conversation or anything but her birthday just passed and she actually sang happy birthday when we sang to her...That was like a fleeting moment of cognition it was so rare. I have seen this coming just...idk.