The thing about women like you is that they’ll flex their hearts in the right ways, share their sheets with great bodies and exchange ideas with extraordinary minds. And even after all of that, they will have to claw their way to something true and lasting, maybe even after the world thinks they have gone past their romance expiration date. Because women like you don’t settle. Women like you don’t have timelines or deadlines or choke holds on the limitlessness of your future. They don’t want good. They don’t want half. They don’t want OK. No, they want amazing and they want all of it. They want their hearts racing and their knees buckling and all of their vitals on another level. Their love is not an Arial size 12. No, their love is some ridiculous Impact font, all caps, size 72. That’s how they love. 0 or 100. Anything in between strikes them as a waste of time.
Women like you don’t see 40 and single as a death sentence; they see 30 and settling for mediocre as the guillotine.